The last three years have been a hell of a ride.
The success of my band continues to steadily rise, which is all a rock musician can ask for.
Except for maybe being married to my beautiful, spunky wife.
Having her by my side blows the rest of it all away…
There’s just one insidious evil F-ing it up.
We’ve signed with the industry’s highest rated PR rep.
The guys is a real shark and can seemingly make anything happen for us with a snap of his fingers.
He’s a high roller who’s built quite an empire and whether it’s women, deals, or access, if he wants it to happen, it happens.
But he and I have a problem now…
Because he now has his sights set on my wife.
He thinks that because of who he is and what he’s done for us that she’s his for the taking.
But while the douchebag overestimates his ability to get whatever he wants, he underestimates so much more.
Like Mayzie’s love for me and this band.
What I’m willing to sacrifice to keep him and his sick desires away from her.
The strength of our love when we face something together.
And her ability to stand up for herself and those she loves…