Alex Kennedy was once on top of the world. Successful Real Estate Agent, beloved friend, and finally with her soulmate. Now, after a devastating night, she finds herself avoiding her friends and family in favor of numbing the heartbreak. Why can’t she just believe them? They all say it wasn’t him. But why does she see her soulmates face every time she relives her attack? One single night changed everything. It ruined her trust in the man she loves and her trust in herself and the loss of her mother.
Roman King loves Alex and would never do anything to hurt her. But how can he help her see… her see that he was not her attacker? Will his impatience and need to protect her push her even further away? Or can he convince her that his love is deep and true? All he wants is his girl back, and he’ll fight like hell for her, even if she doesn’t need him to.
What better way to deal with the grief and confusion than a bottle of wine… or two?
Will wine be enough to fix her broken heart, or will she lose everything, including the man she loves?
War is coming. But will Wine really help this time.