Page 88 of Her Hero Daddy
It had been three weeks since Tim had been caught, and Haylee seemed to be relaxing a bit more every day. He started to realize what a sassy pants she could be and that she definitely had a naughty streak in her, especially when she didn’t want to take a nap. Kane and Luke finally “ungrounded” the girls, and they were going to have their first playdate today after they both had their afternoon naps.
He had been able to talk Haylee into waiting a little longer before looking for a job. He didn’t want her to do too much too soon and get exhausted. She agreed, though she told him that at some point, he’d have to let her start working so she could contribute to the mortgage and bills. Over his dead body would she contribute a dime. But he’d left that discussion for another day.
Tim had only had his initial arraignment. The judge declared him a flight risk and a danger to society and denied him bail. He was looking at a minimum of fifteen years in prison for all his charges. It sounded like his family had turned on him too. The family lawyer he’d smugly requested never showed up, sending a message to him saying that his family refused to pay him to defend a son who continually fucked up. He had gotten a court-appointed attorney who was still pretty fresh out of law school and hadn’t won a case yet.
Sitting in his office, Kane dialed Ian’s number. He hadn’t spoken to the tech expert since everything had gone down with Tim. He knew Damian had updated him on the outcome, but he still hadn’t called to thank him personally for all his help.
“Kane, man, how’s it going with the Little?”
“It’s been great. She’s my angel.”
Ian chuckled. “I bet she is.”
“I just wanted to reach out and thank you for all your help. You really went above and beyond to help us find Tim Parker, and I appreciate it so much.”
“I’m glad I was able to help. Although, I’m pretty sure Luke will be calling me any day to read me the riot act for all my tricks.”
Kane laughed. “He might. But he also knows you did it for a good reason, so he’ll probably overlook it.”
“Is she getting all settled in with you?”
“Yeah. She is. She’s still recovering from everything.”
“Understandable. Damian said she’s a total sweetheart.”
“She is. You’ll have to meet her one day. Maybe you should find a Little for yourself so Haylee has another friend that she can have playdates with.”
Ian snorted. “Yeah. I’m not so sure about that. Pretty sure I’m destined to be alone for the rest of my life.”
Kane rolled his eyes. “You are not. You have Littles swooning all over you whenever we’re at the club.”
“Yeah, but they aren’t the one I want.”
Kane thought about that and opened his mouth to question it when Ian spoke again.
“Hey, I gotta call you back,” Ian said tightly before the line went dead.
That was weird.
Kane shook it off and noticed movement in Haylee’s room on the baby monitor that sat on his desk in front of him. Making his way upstairs, he opened the nursery door to find her talking to her stuffed animals as though they were her best friends.
“Hey, baby alligator,” he whispered.
She turned, and her face lit up when she saw him. The way she looked at him when he entered a room was enough to make him weak in the knees.
He walked over and lifted her from the bed.
“Ready for your playdate with Ally?”
She clapped her hands together excitedly.
“Yes! We are gonna have so much fun. We are going to color and play Barbies and watch a movie and paint. Ohhh, and we need to eat lots of cookies too.”
Chuckling, he kissed her cheek. “Easy, baby. You girls will have lots of playdates to do all the things you want to do.”