Page 39 of Squirrel Hunt
Roan’s eyes shifted, and Konrad looked around to make sure no one was watching them.
“Problem how?”
“He expressed some opinions about mixed couples maybe doing better in leaving the pack. I informed him he was free to leave if he was unhappy with how things were, and Oswald cut in to assure me it wasn’t how he’d meant it.”
“They’re friends.”
“Oswald and Sewell, yeah. Have hung out together since they were pups.”
Roan nodded. “I trust Oswald.”
Konrad did too, and he’d been much happier if it’d been Oswald he’d asked to watch the hotel, but he was busy. Which reminded him, he had to get going. “I’ll be at the park. I’ll text you if I have to move. Call if there is a problem.”
“Of course.”
Konrad clapped his shoulder on his way out and waved at Dahy, then he walked down the road in the direction of the park. It was a cold day, and he worried about Dahy not being properly dressed. They’d buy a couple of changes of clothes before they left town today. And shoes. He had to have proper shoes.
Rubbing his neck in frustration, he crossed the street, and the hotel came into view. He scanned the park and saw a familiar form leaning against a tree close to a bench mostly hidden behind large rhododendron shrubs.
“Nothing new?”
“Nope, no movement.”
Konrad nodded. “Good. Thank you for the help. I’ll see you back at the office later—”
Sewell took a step in his direction and held out his hand. Confused, Konrad reached for it. They didn’t normally touch, but he’d shake anyone’s hand. The moment he took Sewell’s offered hand in his, Sewell raised his other, and Konrad believed he’d clap his shoulder. Instead of the predicted impact, there was a sting.
Konrad hissed, but before he could do anything, his vision blurred, and his legs threatened to fold. Sewell wrapped an arm around him. “Sorry, Boss. Tell Oswald I’m sorry too.”
Konrad growled but all that came out was a gurgle.
“It’ll only last a couple of hours. You’ll be fine.”
Konrad did his best to glare at Sewell, but everything blurred together. He felt the bench underneath his ass and realized why Sewell had chosen that particular tree to lean against. Most passers-by wouldn’t be able to see him behind the rhododendron, and if someone noticed him, they’d most likely think he was a drunk who’d passed out or something.
Roan would come looking, but not anytime soon. Fear clawed at his heart, and his wolf howled in his mind. Dahy. What if Sewell was out to get Dahy?
Chapter 17
Dahy laughed as Jyran told him one tale after the other about what had happened at The Howling Moon. Wolves were insane, and apparently bears and vampires were too. He sipped on his hot cocoa and grinned at Myka when she came over.
“Finally break time.” She had a plate with a sandwich in one hand and a cup of tea in the other. She placed them on the table and pulled out a chair. “Okay if I join you?”
“Of course.”
Myka took a bite but before she could chew, Roan flew up from his chair by the table he’d been occupying and hurried over to them. “Sewell called. There is something going on with Konrad. I have to go.”
Dahy moved to stand, but Roan placed a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back down. “Stay.”
“No. If it’s anything dangerous, Konrad can’t have you there.”
“What do you mean?” Anger washed over Dahy. He was pretty sure it was fear, but he didn’t mind if it manifested as anger.
“If there’s a fight, he needs to be able to focus on himself, not on keeping you safe.”
Both Jyran and Myka had gone still. Roan pointed at Jyran. “Call Gideon. Now. Tell him there is trouble, and he has to come here.”