Page 26 of When Sky Breaks
“Aw, fuck. Sky, I’m sorry. Damnit. I just, I didn’t mean to bring him up. But, ugh, never mind, I’ll shut up.”
“Johnny is a good guy, and yeah, he might wear nicer clothes than we’re used to seeing on people around here, but he’s here to help with Foster.”
“Your boy toy is in town?” Wide eyes stare back at me, the wind ruffling the tips of his hair.
“He was the one at the door yesterday. And now he’s bringing us dinner tonight, so you better be on your best behavior.”
Trek scratches his head. “Shit. This’ll be interesting. And thanks, Mom, I’ll try to hold it together.”
I narrow my eyes.
He holds up his hands defensively. “Fine. I’ll duct tape my mouth if I have to. Hopefully, he comes with something worth eating.”
“I hope you all like sushi. Your grocery store didn’t have it, so I drove around until I found a place in the next town. How do you not have a single sushi place around here?” His brown eyes are shiny, and his smile is like a kid on Christmas morning.
I let Johnny into our house as dread drips into my belly. He looks so happy to have found sushi that I’m terrified of letting him know we absolutely hate it.
“We may be closer to the ocean here in southern Indiana, but most of us were raised on meat and potatoes,” I say, accepting a kiss on my cheek before leading him to the kitchen where Trek and Foster wait.
“Well, you and I both know how bad that kind of diet is in the long run.”
I don’t answer, taking the bag from his hand and placing it on the countertop.
Not about to get into what consuming raw fish can do to a person, I turn to Foster and gesture to Johnny. “Dad, I know you met Johnny at the hospital, but thought maybe a more formal introduction would be good.”
Johnny winks at me, and for a split second, I mistake the butterflies in my belly for excitement. But I want to crawl out of my skin. No wonder I never brought home any guy—this is uncomfortable.
I’m underdressed compared to Johnny, my jeans a little too loose, my hair a little flat, and my makeup too minimal. Now, toss in the sophisticated sushi and I don’t even feel like Sky Winters anymore.
That’s what you wanted, remember?
“Nice to meet you again,” Foster says, shaking Johnny’s hand with a firm grip.
Trek peels himself from the edge of the countertop. “I’m Trek, Sky’s brother.”
“I remember you from the bar. Good to see you again, man.” Johnny takes Trek’s outstretched hand and pumps it before turning to the offensive bag on the island, the smell finally making its presence known.
“What did you bring us, Doc?” Trek arches a brow, his arms crossed over the old college sweatshirt he’s wearing.
Johnny rubs his hands together and I brace myself. “Sushi. God, you guys, this stuff is amazing. I was telling Sky I can’t believe you don’t have a place around here that serves this.”
Foster and Trek both frown and quickly try to school their faces when he sets the trays on the dining room table.
“Foodie, eh?” Foster eyes the little sushi rolls like they’re going to flop off the plate to the nearest bowl of water.
“Absolutely. Sky and I went to this little bistro up north, and they had the best steamed veggies. I knew she’d adore them, and I was right.” Johnny arranges the containers on the table and stares at them reverently as he unwraps the chopsticks. “Dig in. They’re best when they’re nice and cold.”
“Sky, can I talk to you a sec?” Trek looks at me over Johnny’s shoulder and raises from his chair.
I swallow. “Sure. Guys, we’ll grab some drinks from the garage.”
“Do you have any wine?” Johnny asks, a sushi roll halfway to his mouth.