Page 31 of Twin Warriors
“My planet is very far from here. I was taken by the Korok’s from my cabin.”
“Were you the only human taken?”
“I think so. I never really saw anyone else besides the Korok that shoved me into the weird sleep tube. When I woke up, I was given to the convoy and sent on my way through the desert. Why do you ask?”
He stayed quiet for a moment, but Amy could see his tense shoulders.
“I have heard the name Human and Earth before.”
Amy’s heart sank, “What?” She flew out of her seat and flopped down on the co-pilot's seat next to him.
He gave her a sideways glance, his silver-grey eyes almost glowing in the dim light of the interior.
“For the last few days, I have been watching a gang in the city. I heard them speaking of new slaves that were brought in. One of the Korok’s said that the Humans from Earth were the most expensive to purchase.”
“Where are they? Did you see them? How many?”
“I don’t know any more than that, I’m sorry. We are watching the gang in the factory, but so far, have not seen anything. I have informed Iron of this new development and he will entrust the others to find the humans.”
“Oh, God,” Amy breathed, unable to think about other women lost and trapped on this planet as prisoners like she had been. If they were taken together that meant whoever was here had been caged for over three months already.
She had to do something. She had to find them and help them. First, she would find the missing children, that part would be easy with Kisma and Maku searching. Then she would turn her attention and anger towards the Korok and the missing humans.
If her new life and her new friends gave her one advantage it was that she was now strong enough to fight, just like the Iron warriors.
Chapter Ten
Cole ran over to Cane, who was pacing by the wooden bench they had sat on only a few minutes ago. Cane was having a hard time controlling his anger and frustration of not having Amy near. He needed her, more than he realized.
“Cane?” Cole asked, pausing on the path.
“What?” He growled back, not meeting his brother's eyes.
“What is happening to you? I have never seen you this angry.”
Cane paused, spinning to glare at his twin. “I need her, Cole. I need her to be close. I can... I can feel the threads that hold my sanity together slowly snapping.”
“She is with us, brother. She is ours. Whatever happens, we now know that she exists. Give her time. This is all a lot to take in for a delicate female like our Amy. Give her what she needs. If you fight her, you will only push her away.”
Cane paused, trying to get his breathing under control. His body shook with the rage that was slowly seeping into his mind.
“You need to keep her safe from me, Cole. If I lose my control, swear to me that you will do whatever it takes to keep her safe.”
Cole approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Cane let out a sigh, lowering his eyes to the ground.
“I swear it, brother,” Cole said in a low voice, “But you must swear it to me too. You are not the only one losing your grip on sanity.”
“Then how are you so calm?” Cane roared, pushing his brother away and pacing the stone path again.
“Because I am focusing on the fact that she is here. She exists. We held her in our arms. We felt her lips on ours. It will take time, but we will have her, Cane. Focus on that. Let that fuel you rather than the anger of her not being here now, and the fear of losing her.”
“What if she denies our claim? What if she rejects us? What will we do then?”
Cole sighed, “Then you and I will go to the afterlife together. If we lose her, the madness will descend and there will be no hope for us.”
Cane paused, looking up at Cole when he felt the wave of sorrow flow from his brother.