Page 90 of Twin Warriors
A loud roar came from the warriors as they agreed with Iron. This was it. The war they had all tried to avoid for so many years was finally upon them.
The attack on the compound may have weakened them, but it would not stop them.
Turning to Cane, he reached out with his thoughts to see how his brother was doing. He flinched when he felt the madness seeping into his brother's mind.
Cane turned to him, his face a mask of calm fury. “I want her back, Cole. I will get her back, one way or another. Nothing and no one will stand in my way.”
Cole shivered at the deadly promise in his brother's calm words. All Cole saw in his brother's mind was a red haze. A blood lust that needed to be satiated.
Worry filled him at what was happening to Cane. If he let his mind fall too far into the madness, there may not be a way back.
Cane turned away, looking past the warriors at the large structure on the other side of the city.
He followed his gaze, anger flooding his body. That is where their mate was. Maybe Cane was right. Maybe they needed to let just a touch of madness into their minds in order to succeed.
Another warm pulse came from the suit still covering his body, telling him that he would be alright. That he could let his mind fall just a bit.
A wicked smile spread over Cole’s lips when he let himself be consumed by the rage and madness that had haunted them for so long. It was almost a relief to finally stop pushing it back. To let it free and not have to fight it anymore.
A red haze slipped over his vision as his mind completely focused on one thing. Amy. He didn’t care who or what stood between him and his mate. They would die. Friend or foe, they needed to stay out of his and Cane’s way, because the twins were out for blood.
Cole heard Iron tell the men to move out. He gave Cane one last look, allowing his brother to see that he was in the same state of mind, before their faces were covered by the mask of the symbiote.
They moved towards the transports lining the landing area, and climbed in. Lace, Dio, and Razor joined them, before Roam, Sena and Steel climbed in. Once they were all on board, Lace closed the doors and lifted the vessel into the air. Cole could see the others rising from the gardens of the compound before they turned and shot forward. They flew over the city with speed, but Cole’s eyes remained glued to the fortress.
“Cole?” Sena asked. He turned to her; his face still covered with the mask.
She stared at him for a moment, then nodded.
“Stay out of our way,” Cane growled from beside him.
“I know,” she said in a low voice, “Stay safe, twins.”
Cane nodded, meeting Cole’s eyes for a moment, before they both turned back to glare at the approaching structure in the distance.
The fortress was a massive building surrounded by high walls that stood on top of a rocky mountain. Tall towers poked out from behind the walls like jagged blades, with large torrent blasters mounted to each tower.
Any approaching threat was shot down by the powerful weapons, so they would need to land out of range of the blasters and walk the rest of the way.
It would be a hard climb to the fortress, but Cole didn’t care. He could feel the surge of energy and strength coming from his suit already.
He would scale the rocks with his bare hands if he had to, but he was going to get to Amy.
Lace lowered the transport to the sands just beyond the city limits. Cole rose to his feet, moving to the door as it opened. A quick glance around showed all the warriors exiting the transports as they got ready to climb.
He shifted his gaze to the tall, ragged stone mountain ahead of them. It would be a long and dangerous climb up. The Korok will see them coming and fire on them while they were defenseless.
Cane came to stand beside him, his large weapon ready in his hand.
Before Cole could speak, their suits began to shimmer. Cole frowned, looking over at Cane and jerked when two large black wings erupted from his brothers back, stretching out at the sides.
He felt his own suit shift, before he too had large black wings on his back.
A wide smile spread over his lips when he saw that Iron and Ice had the same new adaptation to their suit.
Cole sent a wave of appreciation to the symbiote, before he turned, bent his knees, and leaped into the air.