Page 35 of Renegade Kings
She turned away from me, not wanting to accept the truth and as much as I didn’t want to be the one to tell her, there was also a part of me that wanted to reach and shake her for what she’d done. There was a reason why fae didn’t share bonds like other species. Trying your soul to another was dangerous, yet she’d done it… for him. Perhaps it was the jealousy that had sparked to life inside of me when I’d first realised the truth that was making me feel this way.
“I can’t condemn another person to suffer whatever it is I have to face. Especially not him.”
The sadness in her voice tore at me, and this time, I did move. Dropping to my knees at her feet, I reached out for her hands, cradling them in my own.
“Nymeria is nothing but a land of death now. It stalks us throughout every second of the day. It won’t end easily and we won’t be able to save everyone, but I swear to you that if I can prevent it, I will do what I can.”
Her fingers traced around my wrists and my heart set off at speed. One simple touch and I was ready to give her everything if she’d just give me any sign that she’d be mine.
But then she pushed up the sleeve of my shirt, and I knew that she’d seen what I’d tried to keep hidden.
“Rhidian,” she gasped.
My gaze dropped, and I took in the looping marking of flame and smoke from the design that traced across my forearm. It nearly reached my elbow, even though it was currently unfinished. The mark wouldn’t be complete until I took the final step.
A wry smile touched my lips as she realised what this meant for me.
“I had my anchor ceremony years before they kicked me out. The mark expanded a few months ago. I knew what it meant, but we received word a few days later that my father and brother had fallen in battle. There’s only my mother left holding the throne now and she isn’t part of the royal line.”
“But if she’s not the queen…”
“It’s not just your prophecy, Alyssa. It’s mine as well, I suppose.”
The sadness in her eyes actually made me happy. How twisted was that? At least it meant she felt something. She’d notice if I wasn’t in this world anymore. Perhaps that would be enough. She’d mourn me even if she could never love me.
“We’ll find a way,” she whispered, but I could already hear the resignation in her voice. She knew these were just the words we wrapped around ourselves, hoping our denial could shield us from accepting the inevitable. “Is it terrible that this makes me feel better?”
I laughed then. I couldn’t help it.
“Yeah, a little.” The grin that touched her lips made it all seem worthwhile.
“And you’re still not going to tell me the whole prophecy?”
It wasn’t what I’d expected her to say and, in my confusion, I moved back to my seat and then hated myself for losing the opportunity to touch her.
“You know as much as I know.”
She didn’t believe me. I knew she didn’t. Unfortunately, it was actually the truth.
“Very well. But I will find out the truth, Rhidian. And when I do, I might just consider saving you as well as everyone else.”
Alyssa smiled as she stood, before she turned and left the room without another word. It hurt that she didn’t even look back. That I wasn’t part of the group that she would always seek out when she needed comfort or understanding. I’d stood on the outside for my entire life and it had never gotten any easier. Yet, now it felt so much worse.
But she wanted to save me.
Maybe that could be enough.
Chapter 15
We’d been searching this room for a whole day now, and even with Alyssa knowing most of the secret places her parents had hidden things, we’d still not found what we were looking for.
“There has to be some sort of compartment you don’t know about,” Maddox said as he slid a book back onto the shelf with far more force than needed.
We were all feeling the frustration. Me more than the rest. The wolf inside me kept pushing me to destroy it all. To rampage through this room of paper and tear it apart. His frustration was lined with a need for violence, and it was becoming harder and harder to resist.
Probably because of tonight.