Page 55 of Cocky Tech God
“I thought you wanted to see the dolphins.” I turned back, catching her mischievous grin. But she didn’t say a word, simply moved her hand back to my hip, which left me wanting to take a detour.
Then we were off, following Kenneth on his jet ski out to deeper water, maybe six feet or so.
“We’ve reached the bounds here.” Kenneth pointed to the red markers bouncing on the water. “If you intend to go beyond, I have to accompany you.”
“No, we’re good here. Thanks, Kenneth,” I said, turning off the jet ski.
He saluted us and zipped back to shore, white ripples of water in his wake.
“Let’s get in.” I swung my leg over and dipped my toe in the warm water. It was only eleven in the morning, but the heat was beating down on me. Letting go of the jet ski, I submerged myself as best I could with the life jacket around my neck. The balls of my feet touched the sea floor.
Lucia looked over the edge, uncertain, but climbed down, one leg after the other until she waded next to me, her knees knocking mine. The sea came alive in clear, full view through the flawless, crystalline blue water. Rocks and vegetation swayed. Colorful fish swam close to our feet.
“This is incredible.” Lucia splashed, dipping her hands in the water, grabbing as if she could capture the beauty in her palm. “I’ve never seen anything like this. I don’t think pictures could ever do this justice.”
No, a picture couldn’t, and I’d taken many. I nodded in agreement. My gaze moved farther out into the water where I’d spotted dolphins before. Anais and I came here many times. Some dolphins returned to this place year after year, and it got to a point where I’d recognize them and they’d recognize me—or I liked to think they did. We were friends sharing an experience. A memory.
“What is it?” Lucia’s voice cut through my thoughts.
From a distance, an angular fin of a dolphin came up from the water.
“Look,” I said, pointing. “Do you see it?”
Lucia waded closer to me, and held on to my shoulder. “Yes, I see it. Wow! It’s so close to us.”
As if it knew we waited for it, the charcoal-gray dolphin sprung up from blue water, twirling in the air as if to announce its arrival. We laughed, admiring its power and grace.
“It’s not afraid at all,” she said, her fingers tightening over my skin.
“No, it’s not.” I shifted my gaze to her profile. And I wasn’t afraid either.
As if she knew what I was thinking, she turned to me, her smile slowly fading. “What is it?”
“I keep thinking that I don’t want Sunday to come.”
A tiny smile curled her lips. “What do you mean?”
I dropped my gaze for a moment. “I mean that I don’t want this to end. You and me…I have feelings for you. Real ones.”
“Hansen…” Her voice was soft, almost inaudible, and her eyes were softer.
“Am I alone in feeling this way?” My stomach rippled. I could get rejected here, but the need to know overpowered my potential bruised ego. I needed to know if Lucia felt the same way, and if we could scrap the agreement and start something real that didn’t require an expiration date and lifelong secrecy.
I waited. And waited. Nothing. For too many seconds, I counted my own heart beats. My breath halted in my throat. Shit. Verdict was in, and I was alone in this feeling. But I’d felt something growing between us, especially since we started to share intimate things that didn’t involve sex. Something between us had felt real.
“You’re not alone,” she finally said, and I could’ve sworn the sea dropped from under me. Lucia continued, “I have feelings for you, too, Hansen. And I don’t want this to end either.”
I leaned in, my mouth touching hers, the salty water mixing with her taste that I craved like air. I brushed my hands down her back, cupping her ass and lifting it, coaxing her to wrap her legs around me. Our life jackets hindered our closeness. I wanted to feel her skin against my stomach in connection, but couldn’t. Pulling back, I removed the flotation device and tossed it onto the jet ski. She did the same, and as we waded, the sexual energy between us swirled, bringing me to life. I needed to be inside her.
Lucia lowered herself until the water covered her breasts, and she untied the halter of her bathing suit, the material falling on the surface of the water.
With the authority that she had over me so easily, she pulled my swim trunks down to my knees. I responded by kicking them off against the resistance of the water. Our suits floated on the water, circling us like we were a ritual to watch. Her legs wrapped around me. I groaned, grabbing her ass again, pulling her into my erection, hard and aching against her skin.
“Wait,” I said, my breath labored from within. We’d always used protection, but I didn’t want to. Still, I wanted to follow her lead. “I’m safe, I promise. I would never go without if I wasn’t sure that I’m totally healthy.”
She whimpered, her eyes at half-mast. “I am too. It’s okay. There will be no consequences.”
“Ready to exhaust your core muscles?”