Page 26 of Tainted Essence
“You don’t deserve the way I have been fucking you! Fuck, the things I’ve made you do…” He spins around and slams his fist through the wall, pulling a shocked gasp from me. I climb to my feet and slowly make my way toward him. I reach out and place my hand on his back. He jerks away from me, leaning his back against the wall—he looks like a caged animal.
“I wanted those things. I could have said no at any time and I know you would have stopped. I’m not a broken doll, Taylan. I never told anyone because I don’t want them to look at me differently. My mom and some of my aunts have been through something similar and my whole family treats them like glass, I don’t want that. I’m okay. I didn’t break.”
“Destiny, you changed your whole life because of him!” he shouts. I recoil.
“No, I didn’t!”
“Yes, you did! You picked up fighting full time to prove him wrong. The course of your life was altered by that cunt. I’ll kill the fucker, I swear to God I will break that cunt’s essence like he made you believe yours was tainted. I’m going to send the fucker to Ireland where Wave’s men can punish him daily for being a rapist. The Irish’s form of punishment is just and he will beg for death but they won’t allow it.”
I look at him in a different light. I hear the truth in his voice.
“Mama had herself a devilish child, didn’t she?” His eyes begin to lose some of the darkness in them at my light-hearted joke.
“Get dressed.” I reel back.
“I need to blow off some steam and you need to train.”
“I’m not going to the gym,” I say firmly.
“Who said we were going to the gym?”
My interest piques. “Where are we going?”
“To the underground. I need to fight and so do you, we leave in ten minutes.”
Butterflies take flight inside me and I shoot him a grin before dashing down the hallway to change.
Taylan drives my car around the city like he knows where he’s going. I’m quite surprised since he needed directions to get to the safe house. We head toward the outskirts of the city, neither of us say much but the silence isn’t uncomfortable. When he finally pulls the car over I frown as I look around at the deserted lot with a single street light as the form of lighting.
“Is this the part where you kill me and chop up my body?” He turns to me and pins me with a dry stare.
“Ha ha. Get out of the car and keep your mouth shut, do everything I say and you’ll make it out of here without everyone finding out who you are.” I frown but don’t get a chance to question him as he climbs out of the car, I quickly follow after him. Before we can make it two feet from the car he grabs my arm and pulls me to a stop, he runs his gaze over and looks unimpressed as he pushes his lips to the side. Before I can call him out on being a judgmental asshole, he reaches back and yanks his hoodie over his head and tosses it to me. I catch it on instinct and stare from it to him with a raised brow. “Put it on, keep the hood up and keep your head down.”
“Why?” I ask as I pull it on and fight not to moan in appreciation when his scent engulfs me, fuck he smells amazing.
“You are the splitting image of your parents.” I gape at him.
“Am not.”
He rolls his eyes and pulls a gun from his waistband and holds it out to me. “You are. Your family isn’t exactly welcome here and if anyone were to look at you long enough they would know you are Gage Murdoch's kid. Take the gun, any fucker comes at you, shoot them and run.”
I scrunch my face and shake my head. “I’m not killing another person.”
“You either do as I say or you sit in the fucking car and wait, the choice is yours.” I sneer at the fucker then snatch the gun from him checking the safety is on before stowing it in the back of my yoga pants. He nods his approval then grabs my hand interlocking his fingers with mine. He leads me through the trees that surround the abandoned area, the only source of light we have to guide our way is the moon. The only reason I’m not struggling or worried he is going to kill me is the fact he gave me his gun. The further we get through the trees I realize we’re walking a worn path, I start to hear voices and unknowingly grip Taylan’s hand tighter. “I got you, Slayer,” he reassures me.
“How do you know about this place?” I ask just as the voices grow in volume. I see lights through the thick tree branches and sigh in relief.
“Can you keep a secret?” he asks as he peers back at me over his shoulder.
“Yeah?” He comes to a stop and faces me, keeping his hold on my hand as if he is afraid the truth will send me fleeing.
“Since your father stopped the underground fights, we noticed there was an opening in the market for it when we took over the RDS so…”
My jaw unhinges. “You run the underground fights!” It’s not a question.
He nods. “If you decide to snitch, make sure your father knows that Knox has no idea about this. Him and Xan have their own thing going on so I decided to make something of my own.”