Page 40 of Master of My Life
Chase blinked. “I think you enjoyed yourself.”
Sabrina thought back to the night before and smiled. So many men. So much sex. Good, enjoyable
sex. It was all as amazing as Richard said it would be. No one hurt her. They all were eager to please
her and gain her favor. Such a wonderful, amazing change from what she’d known when Ramon had
She chewed the inside of her cheek. She had enjoyed herself. Yes, she’d had many orgasms. She’d
been worshiped, as promised. But was that what she wanted for the rest of her life? To be put on a
pedestal and used for her body?
She gazed up into Chase’s gray eyes, the eyes she’d spent so much time staring into the last
several weeks, and her heart flooded with love for him. “I love you,” she whispered.
His mouth tipped into a small smile, but his eyes didn’t crinkle like they usually did. “I love you,
“Why are you staring at me like that?”
His gaze flickered to Theo and back at her. “Do you—did you—” He blew out a harsh breath.
“Do you think you’d be more comfortable staying here? With Richard?”
His voice was soft, but something in his tone brought tears to her eyes. She opened her heart to
read him and swallowed hard. He was scared she was going to choose The Brotherhood over him.
She hoped the truth shone in her eyes as she spoke. “Yes, I enjoyed last night, but the whole time,
something was missing.” She leaned up and kissed him gently on his lips. “You. I love you. I want to
be with you.”
Chase stared at Sabrina. She’d chosen him?
She’d chosen him!
After everything she’d experienced last night, she still wanted to be with him! He grinned up at
Theo who chuckled and shook his head, then he hugged Sabrina to his chest.
“Are you sure?” he asked, his voice muffled in her hair.
“Yes, Chase. I love you. Why would I want to give that up?”
He pulled back and cupped her cheek. “I love you, too.” He beamed, and she giggled. He leaned
down and pressed his lips to hers, heat coursing through his body. When she pressed her hips against