Page 59 of Master of My Life
“You dealt with it and moved on?” She stared at him. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
Chase sighed. “We got intense for a few months. Really intense. But we both realized we couldn’t
continue in that direction. I’m an Elder-Son. I have to get married. He couldn’t see himself in a
permanent relationship with a man. We both had our reasons.”
Sabrina stared at her hands. “Am I the reason you two broke up?”
“No, Sabrina, no.” He grabbed her hands and pulled her into his lap. “It happened before you
showed up here again. Way before. We both knew it wouldn’t work for our own reasons. It made us
very close and I’m grateful for my relationship with him as it is right now. I think it’s better for the
intensity of our past.”
“So you haven’t been with him since then? Sexually?”
“We have, but only if someone else is there. Jayson usually. He’s our boundary to keep our
emotions at bay. We focus on him and enjoy each other in a less intense way.”
“Jayson?” Three men? Together? Her mind spun at the idea. “Both of them?”
“At the same time?”
How did three men have sex together at the same time? Why did Chase and Ethan need a boundary
to keep their emotions at bay? Did they still love each other? What would it be like to see them
together? Or be with both of them at the same time?
She leaned her head against his chest. She was torn between her sadness for two men she cared
deeply for and her arousal at the thought of the two of them together. And how did Jayson fit in there?
How did it happen? In her mind, she saw Chase crawling up behind Ethan, sliding his hand up his
muscular torso, kissing his back as he—
“You okay?”
She nodded. “I was imagining what it would be like to watch you and Ethan together.” She gave
him a shy smile.
He ran his hand up her arm. “I don’t think that’ll happen.”
“Why not?” And why did that disappoint her?
He shook his head. “Ethan doesn’t open up easily and I don’t think he’d let himself get to that
point ever again.” Chase sighed.