Page 47 of Alpha Awakening
A Quiet Bond
Blake had trouble sleeping that night. It wasn’t just the fallout with Fallon that bothered him–he was also worried about Niev. She still held back her true feelings, and he worried that she would resent him or bottle up her feelings like he’d done himself many years ago. She still felt comfort when she was with him, but her mind was more distant than what he was used to. He could feel that she was anxious and afraid, but he couldn’t make out exactly why. Blake wanted to help her, but he couldn’t do that if she didn’t tell him what was wrong.
Though he was restless, he tried not to let it show. At least, not while she was cuddled up to him and sleeping. He laid awake until it was well past dawn, and she woke up. She stretched and gave him a kiss before running to the bathroom.
He sat on the edge of the bed and waited for her to return. He held his hand out and watched as she stepped closer, a smile forming on both their faces. Even with all the feelings she was burying, he could feel the love she had for him.
“I will go talk to Fallon and Alpha Raymond today.”
“Would you like to drive back home tomorrow?”
“Only if you reach a decision. I don’t want you leaving because of me and having unsolved issues here.”
“I have today and tomorrow to get everything resolved. That should give you enough time to rest and prepare for the journey.”
They had breakfast together before he left in search of Fallon. He found him playing with little Kira in front of his porch. As soon as Fallon saw him, he picked Kira up, balancing her on his hip.
Trying to keep his voice soft and friendly Blake said, “I was hoping we could talk.”
Fallon, barely noticeable, bowed his head, showing his respect but also not giving away the offer Alpha Raymond had given Blake. “Of course.”
Blake watched as Fallon took Kira inside and returned just a moment later without her.
“Would you like to include Alpha Raymond?”
“I thought we could talk first.”
Fallon bowed his head again and gestured for Blake to lead the way. Fallon followed Blake further away from the village just a step behind him.
Once out of earshot from the village, Blake started to talk. “Does Alpha Raymond know?”
“He does. He was the first person I went to see after returning yesterday.”
Being open about his decision proved Fallon’s loyalty to the pack. “I understand that you meant well, but you also broke the trust I thought we were starting to build.”
“I understand.”
“I do appreciate what you’ve done for me and Niev by taking us to the waterfall, but thinking about the future, it makes me worry. It is conflicting for me.”
“I only did what I hoped would give you and Niev a clear picture about what you would be choosing as a future. My intention wasn’t to break your trust. Alpha Raymond, though he might not have agreed with my decision, has given me the leeway to make decisions in the best interest of the pack. I thought it was best for you, as their potential future alpha, to not be blindsided. But I do see how my actions have caused harm.”
“I’ve never been alpha, nor have I dared to dream of ever becoming one. It seems that I’ve found a first conflict I don’t have an answer for. Maybe the trust between us has been shaken this much because we don’t know each other, or because I might be finding myself to be a strict alpha. Whatever the reason, I would like to try and rebuild it.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to do so.”
Blake was quite proud of himself that he’d found a way to address the issue and without making it worse. He’d managed to find a solution that both parties agreed to.
“How is Niev feeling?” Fallon asked, his tone was less formal.
“She’s overwhelmed. We’re planning on leaving tomorrow night so she can process everything in our own home.”
Fallon nodded. “Of course.”
“I would like to go over a few things with you and Alpha Raymond before we leave if that’s alright.”