Page 6 of Alpha Awakening
“Girls,” Blake replied as he looked through the baby toys, seeming to be a little overwhelmed.
“Twins, how wonderful!”
Mrs. Kent helped them both pick out a few essentials before neatly packing them up. Hooking her arm into Blake’s, Niev thanked Mrs. Kent for all her help and walked out with Seth following behind them.
“Do you want to stop anywhere else before going home?” Blake asked.
“Maybe we can grab something to eat. Mayra’s dinner seems so far away still.”
After stopping for food, Niev cuddled up to Blake, munching on her fries and slurping on her chocolate milkshake. He and Seth quietly talked about the upcoming deal they’d been able to secure earlier. It seemed to be a big one and Seth, though confident, seemed a little nervous. When they drove off the smooth highway and onto the bumpy dirt road, she started to stretch, ready to get out of the truck again.
The village was gorgeous as always. Even with the sun hiding behind the clouds, it felt like a paradise in the midst of another world. She could feel Blake’s amusement and looked up at him.
“I sometimes forget that you didn’t grow up here. For anyone who has lived here, it’s so normal but for you it’s like a whole new world.”
“But you see its beauty, right?”
“I do, but for me it’s also so normal, maybe even a little boring.”
Seth parked by his house and Blake helped her out.
“Let me get Lyliann and Darron so we all can go together.”
Niev and Blake waited and just a few moments later, he reappeared with Lyliann and Darron by his side.
“Did you find anything you liked at the store?” Lyliann asked with excitement in her voice.
“Yes, Mrs. Kent was very helpful.”
“I love that little store. I had to start sending Seth alone instead of going with him because I always found too many nice things. By now she knows my taste so all I have to do is call her to get a bag ready for me.”
Mayra was already sitting in the living room watching over Alizia while Layla was changing Aaron.
“Niev, you are glowing as always.”
“Thank you, Mayra. How are you?”
“Wonderful. Ann called this morning asking about you and Blake. She wanted to know when you two are planning on visiting.”
Niev sat next to her, still quite tired and looked at Blake who sat by her feet on the floor. “Do you think we can go before the girls come?”
“We should go soon then. I don’t want to travel with you if you’re too close to your due date.”
“Can you get off work though?” she asked, running her fingers through his hair.
“Of course. I’ll call her and organize it.”
“Is it far?”
“It’s about a ten to twelve-hour drive if we drive overnight, longer if we drive in daytime traffic.”
“Have you been there before?”
“Not yet.”
“’It’s a first for both of us then.”
As he leaned into her touch, she could feel his excitement and slight worry. “Are you up for such a long trip?”