Page 21 of Dawn of Hope
I dip my head down closer to the text and read, scanning through a few sections, but find nothing different from the information in the castle library. The next few texts are the same, so I decide to switch to something handwritten, hoping maybe there would be different observations or ideas that might lead me in a different direction. I pick up the first journal and start flipping through, skimming the notes and descriptions.
A heavy sigh escapes me as I flip the book closed, a little more harshly than I expected.
Light always finds a way, even through the blackest woods.
I inhale deeply and reset my shoulders. I can find something. I will not get discouraged so quickly. I will not lose hope, even when I feel hopeless.
I shift the journal to the top of my finished pile and grab a new one. I lean in closer so I can focus and will myself to block out all the small noises and distractions around me. I don’t know how much time has passed when a noise finally breaks my focus.
Dane clears his throat and shifts in the chair, which emits a small creak. I keep my eyes glued to the page, trying to find where I left off before his movement distracted me.
It takes me a split second to remember that is my name before I look up and meet his gaze. “The library is closing. We should probably head out.”
I glance around and sure enough, the entire room has emptied. More time had passed than I thought, and it was probably late.
Really late.
I glance back at the front windows and can’t see the design in the glass because of the darkness outside. I didn’t intend to stay this late and risk someone checking in on me, only to find my rooms empty. It would most likely be Brynne, and if it was, I’d know the second I stepped out of the library. Guards would be everywhere, searching for me to drag me back behind locked doors.
But it is quiet. It doesn’t sound like there are search parties scouring the streets.
“Okay,” I say, my voice cracking with disuse, and probably because of the nerves coursing through my body. I stand quickly and stack the books into one pile. I need to put them away quickly, and my unfamiliarity with the shelves means it will take me a while.
“Are you going to keep all of those?” he says, as he fastens his cloak across his chest.
“I was just going to put them back.” I incline my head back toward the healing shelves.
A look of confusion falls over his face. “Have you never been to this library before?”
Am I that obvious? I quickly try to think of reasons or explanations that might sound convincing, but the ones coming to me sound ridiculous. I decide to keep it simple and stick with the truth.
“I’ve actually only ever used the library in the castle. I didn’t want toleave a mess on my first visit and cause a problem with the librarian.” Or get noticed, but I’m not going to tell him that. I’ve already been noticed more than I wanted.
“It’s alright. Agnes works at night once the library closes. Any texts that are left out, she sorts and puts away, so you can leave whatever you are done with on the table. The rest we can bring to her at the front, and she will hold them for you, for the next time you come back.”
“Oh. That’s convenient.” It would save me a lot of time, not having to wander through the shelves again, trying to remember which texts I’d already looked through and which ones I hadn’t.
He chuckles. “Yeah, it is, that is, if you plan to come back.” I can’t help but think that the look on his face is hopeful. Does he want me to come back? I feel a small flutter in my stomach at the thought.
“I do. Plan on it, that is.” I planned on being here a lot, as much as I need to. I don’t have time to waste, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy his company if he is going to be here, too.
Dane’s face breaks into a smile, and if I thought the quiet, serious man sitting across from me was beautiful, it pales in comparison to when he smiles.
I set the finished books back on the table and adjust the smaller stack in my arms. “I’m not finished with these, and there are still another couple of shelves I haven’t gotten to.”
“Here, let me carry those for you.” He reaches out and takes the books out of my hands, his fingertips brushing mine as he lifts the stack. My first reaction is to snatch my hands away from his. Easy physical contact between people is foreign to me, as no one touches the princess. But I also don’t need him carrying my things. I get enough of that in the castle. I don’t need anyone fawning over me out here. I’m not Princess Lennox in this library.
“I can carry them,” I huff as I awkwardly reach toward the stack, trying my best not to touch him again. I also don’t want him seeing what I’m looking for.
“It’s alright, I’ve got them.” He takes a few steps toward the front desk and pauses, waiting for me to catch up. “You can let me help you. I won’t bite.” The ends of his lips curl up slightly, and I bite my lip, trying to hide my smile.
I am not used to someone helping me just because they want to. I’ve been surrounded by staff my whole life, and while I appreciate everything they do for me and for the kingdom, in the end, it’s their job. They aren’t acting out of the goodness of their hearts, like Dane seems to be.