Page 22 of Dawn of Hope
Except for Tila and Edmond. I believe they stick around because they truly care, and it is more than just a job to them. Even Brynne’s position is out of duty and honor, together with her desire to be the First Guard. I know she cares for me and would do anything to protect me, and I love her for it, but if she could protect my father instead, she would.
“I’m sorry. I’m not used to people helping me. I don’t want you to think I can’t do something on my own.” I quickly catch up to him and we fall into stride, heading toward the front desk.
“Why would I ever think that? I have no doubt you could do whatever you set your mind to.”
I shake my head in disbelief. “How would you know that? You don’t even know me.”
His face breaks out into a slow grin.
“Oh, don’t worry. I know exactly who you are.”
My body jerks to a halt and I stare after him in complete shock. How did this happen? What gave me away? Have I been putting on this charade, and he knew who I was from the moment I bumped into him?
“How did you know?” I say, trying my best to keep the panic out of my voice.
He stops and turns back to me, realizing that I am no longer alongside him.
“It wasn’t that difficult. If you were trying to hide it, you did a terrible job.”
I need to do damage control. I hadn’t expected anyone to figure me out at all, let alone this quickly. Would it be better to just come clean, or to ask for his silence? I straighten my shoulders and lift my chin, trying to let my years of lessons take over and hide the fear coursingthrough my body.
“I ask that you keep this between us.” My gaze meets his and I hold it, unblinking. I need him to know that I’m serious. My identity cannot get out, and news of this can’t get back to my father. I’m not sure how he figured me out, but that doesn’t matter now. He knows, and he needs to keep quiet.
“Why would I keep it between us?” He takes a few steps toward me, slowly closing the gap, his movements reminding me of the castle cats hunting their prey. “I think it is something you would want people to know.”
“I don’t,” I say, my words harsh even to my own ears. He is inches away from me now, so close that my heaving chest can almost touch him. He towers over me, and I have to crane my neck to maintain our eye contact to show him I am serious.
“I think it is information that the people back at the castle would find valuable, don’t you think?” There’s a gleam in his eye that sets off unease in my stomach.
“That can’t happen,” I grind out. I am ready to bribe him if need be. Is a bribe what he was looking for the entire time? Was he being kind to lure me in, and then turning on me for his own profit? I open my mouth, ready to ask him what he wants when his face softens.
He dips his head down, bringing his face closer to mine, and his voice drops into a soft murmur. “Why wouldn’t you want anyone at the castle knowing what an amazingly dedicated and hard worker they have?”
I snap my mouth shut.
“Excuse me?” I need him to keep talking, to give me an explanation.
He gestures at my staff clothing with his free hand. “You’re here after a full day’s work at the castle, clearly doing some research in the healing section.” He lifts the stack of books he is carrying for me, and his tone changes to almost playful. “Now, I’ve never worked at the castle, but I can assume your job doesn’t start late in the day. I would think the kingdom would be happy to know what kind of person they have working for them. You’re clearly someone who is trying to better themselves and move up in the ranks.”
The panic in me starts to subside. I was wrong. He doesn’t know who I am. I’m flooded with relief, but still need to back my way out of this. I know I came off defensive, and I don’t want him to pick up on it and start questioning who I actually am.
I cross my arms over my chest and try my best to give him a coy smile. “I beg your pardon,sir, but if I didn’t know better, I would think you were studying me more than your books.”
“Maybe a little,” he says with a smirk.
I look away to distract myself from the discomfort his words give me, but feel a flutter of thrill deep inside my stomach. Is this what flirting feels like? Is Dane flirting with me?
If he only knewwhohe was flirting with.
I glance around the library and realize we’re alone, the only ones left in the large room except for a woman, I assume, is Agnes, standing at the front desk.
“I think we should probably go. We’re the only ones here.”