Page 23 of Dawn of Hope
He glances around, taking in the same empty room. “I guess I got distracted. Let’s go before Agnes gets upset with us.”
At the desk, Dane sets the stack of books down and gives Agnes our names to hold them under. Once they are tucked away, she bids us a good night and we turn toward the front door. I pull my hood up over my head, although not as low over my face as it was when I first left the castle.
At the top of the steps, I stop and take in the city’s calm. There’s no sign of guards frantically searching for me. Brynne isn’t wandering the streets, kicking in doors. Music and laughter echo through the mist covered streets, likely from the taverns and businesses still open this late. The liveliness brings a small smile to my face.
I want to see it. I want to see more of it than just the library and the fronts of the buildings in passing as I walk through the streets. I want to experience the people, the culture of our city and kingdom, not just read about it or hear stories from Edmond.
Maybe one day.
Dane stops alongside me. “It is late and dark already. I will escort you back to the castle.”
“Thank you, but I will be alright.”
“There’s no way I am letting a beautiful girl walk home alone this late at night. Besides, I wasn’t asking permission.” He extends his arm toward me, waiting for me to take it.
I start at his words. I know objectively my looks are appealing, but beautiful? No one has ever muttered that word describing me except for Tila, and I always thought she used it to refer to her work and contributions toward my looks. Beauty was never important, only the skills required to be a successful queen. I wasn’t sure the princes and nobles from other kingdoms coming to my birthday ball would even care about beauty when trying to seek an alliance and betrothal.
I don’t know how to respond, so I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind. “I’ll be fine, really. I’m sure your wife will be worried if you get back too late.”
He chuckles softly as he shakes his head. “No, she won’t worry.”
My head snaps to look at him. He actually has a wife?
What an asshole. Flirting with me all evening, while he has a family waiting for him at home.
He drops the arm that he’s had extended and turns to face me. His eyebrow quirked and a small smile hints at his lips. “There would have to be a wife in order for her to worry. My sister might, though.”
Sister. Not wife.
So, he’s not an asshole. The amount of relief I feel at that revelation is…distracting. And I am not one to get distracted. I can debate war tactics with Edmond, recite poetry and quote literature. I can fight. But Dane distracts me. His beautiful eyes and sharp jaw should not be my focus at all. I need to focus on getting back to the castle unseen.
“Let’s just go.” I start down the stairs and hear a small chuckle followed by footsteps behind me.
I wrap my cloak tighter around me, the chill and moisture in the air so different from what I am used to in the castle. Dane catches up to me in a few strides, but I don’t slow down.
The Blackwood trees tower over the structures, casting darkness and shadows everywhere. Fog seeps through the trees, billowing over the tops of the buildings. The only light that breaks through glows around the lanterns and the torches lit, marking the doors to the establishment.
It feels eerie, being out here this late. I know the city streets, but walking down them in the dark feels different. I suddenly am aware of how vulnerable I am, and a shudder works through my body.
“Too cold outside of the castle?” Dane says.
“That, among other things.” Despite thinking he was an asshole looking to cheat on his wife a few minutes ago, I’m suddenly grateful that Dane is here.
Making a friend wasn’t my goal for the evening, but maybe it wouldn’t harm me to have one. I’ve wanted friends outside the castle walls my entire life, and Dane seems like he is interested in being friends with me, too. It would definitely make me feel more comfortable having someone to walk home with at night.
“I tend to run warm.” He extends his arm toward me again and eyes me expectantly.
My gaze trails over his arm, remembering the lines of muscle that were visible through his shirt, now hidden by his thick cloak.
I wrap my arm around his, remembering my royal manners and keeping our arms linked exactly how I had been taught as a young girl. Despite the formal posture and extreme focus, every inch of my arm in contact with Dane is tingling with energy. I feel his warmth even through layers of fabric. No one inside the castle has ever touched me as easily as he does.
We continue walking, silence heavy between us, neither of us acknowledging our closeness or the last bits of our conversation.
Is this what it feels like to be normal? To be a woman escorted homeby a man, where any physical contact didn’t spur talks of alliances and betrothals? To just be free to do what I want, when I want?
“I haven’t seen you around before,” he says, finally breaking the silence. “Are you from Blackwood or from another kingdom?”
I need to keep this conversation general and stick to truths where I can. Too many lies might make him suspicious, especially if I get caught up in them.