Page 37 of Dawn of Hope
The doors open and I stare directly at the throne in front of me, and at the man waiting at the end of at the end of the aisle.
He is alone.
My eyes catch on the empty pews as I take my first step onto the black carpet runner. I break my gaze away from the throne and quickly look around, making sure my face stays trained forward.
I can count the number of people in the throne room on my fingers, and I know every single one of them. My breath catches at the realization.
No one came.
Not one person from the neighboring kingdoms is here. No emissaries, no dukes, no princes or princesses.
No one.
No one came to witness the queen of Blackwood’s coming of age.
What will this mean for our relationships with the other kingdoms? What will this mean for my betrothal prospects? Am I that disrespected and uninteresting that no one cared to attend?
A thought strikes me.
Or was anyone even invited?
Has my father done it, yet again, hidden me away, sheltered from the entire world? Is he keeping me suppressed, not letting me grow into the role I am supposed to have? Has he thwarted all of my hopes and dreams, keeping me isolated and alone for the rest of my life?
I continue to take slow steps down the aisle, focusing my sight back on my father as I stare at him stone faced. I need to tamper down everything that is raging inside of me at the sight of him.
I am furious with him.
This was the one night, the one time where this room should have been full of life, full of people from across the world that would at leastgive me a glimpse into the outside. He’s kept me hidden for twenty-one years, kept me from seeing my people, from developing friendships and relationships. Kept me from becoming a leader in the eyes of my people and our world.
He hid me away, and on the day that I am supposed to be presented, just as he and every ruler of Blackwood were before him, he continues to hide me.
I am not going to be invisible anymore. I had a taste of freedom, and now that I am of age, I am not going to let him stop me from doing what I want to do, what Ineedto do, not only for myself but for the good of Blackwood.
King or no king, father or no father, I am going to prove to him, myself, and everyone else that despite being hidden away, I am valuable to this kingdom.
I just have to get through this ceremony first.
I reach the steps that lead to the throne and kneel on the black carpet, just as Edmond and I had practiced. Edmond is here, of course, seated in the front row, with a solemn look on his face, watching my every move, making sure the ceremony goes smoothly.
Despite my fury, I am focused and clear minded.
I recite everything perfectly and repeat after my father when I need to. I give the ceremonial oaths, pledging my life to the kingdom of Blackwood, and promising to follow through with the traditions and protections of the people.
I am flawless, and I hope everyone sees it, including my father.
Especially my father.
His expression hasn’t changed since I walked through the doors, and I can see him staring at a point just next to my face instead of at me. He remains stone faced, no hint of emotion or pride, almost like he is annoyed at having to be here.
He turns toward a table next to his throne and retrieves a small item before coming to stand in front of me again.
“Princess Lennox Holt of Blackwood, rise.”
I stand, straightening my spine and squaring my shoulders to make myself look as tall as my short frame will allow, even in the ungodly heels Tila put me in. My father slowly descends the steps and halts directly in front of me. I can see what he is holding now, the piece of the ceremony that signifies royalty.
“With this dagger, your position as future regent of this kingdom is solidified. You will be the queen of Blackwood, the beginning of your reign marked by my death. This dagger serves not only as a method of your own protection but also as a symbol for your protection of the kingdom and all of those in it. May you wield it, and your authority as queen, well.”