Page 89 of That Last Secret
“What are you doing?” I ask, worried.
She lifts the books in her arms. “Just coming back from the library. I had my first lecture for this semester today.”
Emiline has that look in her eyes that tells me everything I need to know. Her eyes are glistening as if she’s been crying and on the verge of crying again.
“There was a lot of information today,” I state.
She nods.
“And you went to the library alone.”
She nods again.
A wave of disappointment fills me when I realize she felt overwhelmed and didn’t call me. I don’t want her to deal with this alone when I want to be there for her, but I push my feelings aside because it isn’t about me right now.
She looks up at me and blinks once before a single tear falls down her cheek. I don’t hesitate to brush it away with the back of my finger.
I tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear when she finally says, “I’m trying really hard here.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’m trying to be strong and hold it together, Logan. I don’t want to burden you with my issues when I can’t control what happens.” Emiline’s voice quivers with each word out of her mouth.
My hands move to cup her cheeks, lifting her head slightly so she’s looking at me. “I want you to let me be there for you, Em.”
I wait to answer, hoping the right words come to me, but I say what instantly comes to my mind. “I don’t want you to feel like you have to do this alone.”
Emiline closes her eyes, and I can feel her body relax beneath my hands even though I’m only holding her face. She sinks into me and rests her head on my chest as she wraps around my waist, the other still clutching her books.
“I’m so tired, Logan,” she cries.
One of my hands cups the back of her head, holding her to my chest, while the other hand moves to her upper back.
“I know, Em.”
I let my chin rest on top of her head, and my eyes fall closed. In my head, we aren’t standing in a stairwell where anyone could walk in at any moment.
It’s just the two of us.
“Let’s get you home,” I tell her.
She eventually pulls away from me and nods.
There’s no way I’m leaving her alone in this state.
We take the steps one at a time. I don’t take my eyes off Emiline the entire time she fidgets with her purse to grab her keys out. Unlocking the door, I don’t say a single word before filtering in behind her.
She pauses, looking up at me as if she’s assessing my next move.
I lean in to press a kiss to her forehead before guiding her towards her bedroom.
She quickly gets changed, brushes her teeth and climbs into bed.
Silence stretches between us.
Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I lift it over my head before I climb into bed behind her. I pull her back into me and hold her tight. Honey and vanilla fill my scenes as I inhale and exhale a relaxing breath behind her. Emiline in my arms has never felt more right than it does at this moment.