Page 86 of Craving Demons
“What are those worth?” I asked, looking over Donny’s shoulder into the pouch, which sparkled with more diamonds.
“We gave Tommy roughly three hundred and fifty million. A hundred million more than he was expecting. That left about thirty-five million. Since these fine gentlemen almost died for us, I’ve given them ten million each. That leaves five million for us.
“Fuck me,” I whispered.
“Speaking of… ah…that, I’ll leave you four alone,” Donny said, tying up the pouch and taking it upstairs with him.
And that left me with three guys, all with hungry looks in their eyes. Fen’s aqua-blue pools were heated and hooded. Grey’s dark orbs sucked me in, taking my breath away. Ramsey’s midnight stare simmered with savage masculinity and brutish appetite.
A shiver rolled down my spine and I was suddenly hot.Veryhot.
Sweat pooled between my breasts as a different moist heat sweltered in my core, whipped into a whirlpool of expectant lust.
“What do you want, Silverlocks?” Ramsey asked, voice growling with desire. I should have known he’d speak up first. “You also owe me what you promised last night.”
Which was actually more orgasms for me. I could live with keeping that promise, but what would I do with all three of them?
“Jewels are nice,” Fen added. “But nothing sparkles like you do, Ana.”
It was Grey who saved me from having to figure this out, though I didn’t know if he made things better or worse. “I think we all know our charade is up. We aren’t just claiming Ana for show anymore. I for one won’t let her go. I’ll fight for her, if I have to.”
Ramsey was instantly in his face. “As would I. And we know who’d win between us, don’t we?”
“And what if my wolf wished to claim her,” Fen said softly. “Would you both like to fight it?”
Grey and Ramsey turned to look at him. His tone had been conversational, but his look was deathly serious.
“You wouldn’t unleash Armageddon just to claim her. She’d be destroyed with everything else!” Grey stated.
“I won’t have to start the end times if you two back off and let me be with her.”
Wow, these three powerful and sexy guys fighting over me was super-hot, but I was really hoping they wouldn’t fight at all. “And what about what I want?” I piped up.
They all turned to me.
“Good point,” Ramsey said, arrogant and sure. “Which one of us do you want?”
“What if I wanted… all of you to share me. Equally?” I asked.
Fen grinned. “I wouldn’t mind. One-third of you would still be preferable to all of anyone else.” Trust him to find the right words and make me feel amazing. Also, I was glad he was so willing to share.
It was Grey and Ramsey who were the problems. They glared at each other. I didn’t think they’d share well.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!” This new voice caused the guys to turn. I flinched. I knew that voice and was suddenly super-heated with embarrassment instead of desire.
“Reia?” I peeked around the guys and saw her at the bottom of the stairs. “What are you doing home, it’s the middle of the day?”
“It’s Saturday, Mom.”
“Oh.” I’d completely lost track of time.
Reia, the small and intruding powerhouse that she was, walked right into the middle of this tense standoff and looked at each of the guys.
“I don’t know what you did to have three hot guys fighting over you, Mom,” she said to me, even though she hadn’t looked at me yet. “But there’s no reason in this day and age, they can’t all share. It’s called polyamory. Look it up. As long as you all know the rules, then there shouldn’t be any issue with all of you dating my mom. If you have any problems with that, take it up with me.”
She’d laid down the law and all three men looked a little dumbfounded.
Then she turned and shot me a hard look. “And these three seem like they mightactuallybe keepers, so don’t fuck it up, got that? Now, I’m hungry and I’m getting something to eat.” She marched off into the kitchen.