Page 25 of Under the Radar
Mo hadn’t meant this slow. Seriously?
After the dancing, the casino, the karaoke club, and the nightcap bar with the funny bed caps and Elmer Fudd slippers? Mac had handed her an oversized tee shirt from his drawer and pulled two blankets from the closet. He was sleeping on top of the covers and she would sleep under them.
They’d fallen asleep laughing about a karaoke song, their fingers entwined. But now, the covers were cool and Mac was gone. Mo lifted her head and eyed the clock. They’d been asleep for maybe three hours. Where is he?
She checked the bathroom and the balcony. Not there. Maybe she’d get dressed and walk the ship looking for him? But the place was massive, and there were tons of inaccessible locations. He could be anywhere. Mo grabbed a bottle of water from the bar and sat down.
A soft groan disturbed the quiet. She padded through the suite again, discovering the soft amber light radiating from under a door. Upon opening, a warm mist bathed her face. Oh, a private steam room. She couldn’t see a thing. “Mac, are you in here?” The air was a sensual, humid invitation.
“Yes. I tried not to wake you.” He gave a stifled groan.
“You didn’t wake me. I got cold. Are you alright?”
“I will be. Close the door. You’re letting the steam out.”
Mo stepped into the small steam room and pulled the door shut. Within five seconds, claustrophobia swarmed her with panic. Oh no. She quickly opened the door and stepped out. “I can’t be in there, Mac. It’s too small.” Shutting the door, she put a hand over her racing heart, and took a deep breath.
Mac opened the door wearing only a towel. “Give me your hand, honey. If it’s too much to handle, I promise to bring you back out.” He crossed his heart.
This is so silly. She really wanted to believe him. “I don’t know. I get lightheaded, my throat closes up, it’s awful.” And the incident in the back of the police car was still so fresh.
He held out a hand. “Give me thirty seconds, Mo. I used to deal with claustrophobia too.”
She peeked into the room. Opening the door had cleared the steam. It was no bigger than her modest walk-in closet. There was a counter and sink adorning the left, and a wall of ornate hooks with white bathrobes on the right. The scents of eucalyptus and cedar hung in the air. How bad could it be?
Mac leaned his head against the doorjamb and wiggled his fingers. “C’mon. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Mo slid her fingers into his and took a tentative step into the room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you. I wanted to make sure you’re alright.”
“You’re never a bother.” He pulled the door shut and reactivated the steam. “We’ll sit on that bench,” he said, pointing. “Let’s go.” Tugging her hand, he guided her as the steam sizzled, pulling her close to his side once they sat.
Get out. Out. Mo ran a hand through her hair. “It’s getting steamy again. I should go.”
He placed a firm hand on her shoulder. “Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Get a rhythm going. Nice deep breath, hold and release. Feel nice?”
Uh, no.Her heart raced. She slammed her eyes shut and did as he suggested. The invigorating deep breaths helped, so she opened one eye. The fear pounced again. Eyes shut, breathe deep. She clutched his hand in a vise grip.
“You’re doing great. Remember, that door is only seven feet away. You’re not trapped. You can leave anytime you want, but it’s cozy, relaxing in here. Go ahead and stretch your muscles.”
Uh-huh.No way was she letting go of his hand.
“In your mind, I want you to go to your favorite beach. Visualize it, Mo. Keep deep breathing, but feel the warm sun, the sand between your toes, and the hum of the surf.”
The warm room wasn’t suffocating her anymore. She relaxed her grip and slid her fingers through his. “Okay, I’m on my beach. Where did you go in your visualization?”
He chuckled. “Me? I’m on a nude beach in the Riviera. It’s very stimulating.”
Ha! “Really? I should visit one of those.”
A deep growl sound escaped his chest. “No, you can’t come with me, Mo.”
“Why not? Quid pro quo. You said so yourself, earlier.”
“Because I don’t want you looking at the naked men, that’s why.”
Mo howled with laughter. She didn’t dare open her eyes for fear the mind picture would flee and she’d be gasping for air. “Seriously, why are you in here in the middle of the night? Are you okay?”