Page 19 of Beyond the Blues
Chapter 10
After twenty minutes I calm down, Nora holding me the entire time, I take a big breath as if my first breath the whole time I’d been crying.
“I’m proud of you, Ophelia.”
“For speaking about it so openly with me.”
“Why don’t you tell me something about you now?”
“Well, I actually moved to London because my family didn’t accept me and my sexuality. They kicked me out.” I pull away to face Nora.
“They said that I’d grow out of it, but then when I cut my hair that pushed them over the edge. They said they could never accept me as their daughter, and from now on they only have one child, that being my brother.” My heart aches for Nora. That’s one thing I’ve always been grateful for as a queer woman is the fact my family has always been accepting. I rememberwhen I came out and my mum bought me a bunch of rainbow items. The glee on her face was lovely. Although I thought it was cringe, I was lucky to be loved no matter my sexuality. I hold Nora’s hand and squeeze it ever so slightly.
“People always say, well, they’re your family. Don’t you want them in your life? I always think, well no, if they don’t love me for something I can’t help, why would I?”
“Family isn’t always blood, it’s the ones that accept and love you for who you are.” I add.
“Exactly.” Nora offers a soft smile, and I kiss her forehead.
“I’ve not told anyone that, Ophelia.”
“Same goes here. I don’t talk about Coco to anyone.”
“Our little secrets?” Nora asks, holding up her pinky. I connect my pinky to hers.
“Our little secret.”
*5 years ago*
I’ve always come to Streedagh Beach when I feel overwhelmed with life. Today, Sinead at school caught me necking it with Aine in the changing rooms, and now I really have to tell my parents that I like girls before the whole town spreads the news and it makes it back to them. I place my hands in the sand, letting the grains stick to my fingers. Nora, you’ve got to do it now or you never will. As I walk back to my house, sweat is dripping down my face. It’s bloody freezing, but my nerves are overpowering me. My mammy probably doesn’t suspect this coming. Without fail, I go to mass every Sunday and my prayers at the dinner table. I walk into my house, and my mam is sitting at her usual spot on the kitchen table, my daddysitting opposite drinking a large cup of tea. I take one more deep breath before walking into the kitchen.
“Hello.” I say, walking into the kitchen and sitting down on the seat between them both.
“Hello love.” My mam says, drawing her attention onto me.
“Jesus, Nora, you’re sweating a lot, considering it’s raining cats out there.” “Mammy and Daddy, I need to talk to you…”
“Oh Jesus, what is it? You’re worrying me.” Mam says, staring at me, concerned.
I swallow the lump in my throat.
“I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while…” I stutter. Now both of my parents’ eyes are on me, their faces clearly showing them trying to figure what it is