Page 88 of From Me to You
I shook my head as I turned. Rock stars were notorious for their playboy behavior, and Mikey was the only one in our group who retained the image.
“Morning.” Jay nodded to Will before he turned to me. He gave his signature grin that made me swoon.
“Here.” He pointed to a big ass coffee machine. Oh wow, now that could be one thing I actually liked in this house.
I grinned like a fool in love as I peered at the gorgeous man brewing me a steaming cup of beautiful coffee.
“I love you,” I told him.
Jay’s head turned to my side, and our lips touched as he gave me a toe-curling kiss. “I love you more, sweetheart.”
My heart skipped a beat. This man was going to be the death of me. I was so happy.
A throat cleared behind us, and I rotated to see a tall platinum blonde, probably in her early twenties, smiling at us. Her attire was pristine, and her white vest and slacks looked pressed. Not a hair was out of place, and her makeup was flawless. She looked perfect, but more like a dressed-up robot.
Jay smiled as he walked over to her and greeted her with a half-hug, which made her smile wider.
My face scrunched up as a pang of jealousy stirred through my gut. Why was she smiling wider at my boyfriend?
I turned to Will, sitting next to her. He grinned like he knew exactly what my expression meant.
“Evy, come here, meet Cece White.” Jay gestured to me. I walked over to his side and placed my hand in his, linking our fingers.
Her gaze flickered ever so slightly when I did that, but it shifted as she grinned at me. “Evy, it’s so nice to meet you. Emmie has told me a lot about you.” She held her hand out.
“Nice to meet you, Cece,” I said, shaking her hand. Emmie, why was she calling him Emmie? Only his close friends called him that—everyone else called him J.J.
“Likewise, please tell me you are coming to the Sangers charity ball this Friday.”
A charity ball? No, thank you, I thought to myself. Rich people getting dressed up in millions while they donated a few thousand to charity was not really my thing. It really was an excuse to drink and flaunt their diamonds.
“Yes, she will be coming. I still haven’t told her that. We were busy doing other things.” Jay grinned.
I blushed. I knew what the other things were. And they were rated all R. And apparently, I was going to pretend to be a rich person this Friday—just for him, I would do it. I would do anything for him.
Cece nodded enthusiastically, though her last name, ‘White’ suited her more. She wore it like she owned it, and guessing from all the millions her father made, she could probably own it. Hmm, now I wondered if you could copyright a color. I made a mental note to Google it.
“Katy will be coming. I can’t wait for us girls to hang out. I just finished college at NYU, and now Daddy has appointed me as the creative producer for The Four Foxes. They will be the first band I work with. I am so excited for the opportunity. I have so many great things planned. I can’t wait to take the band to great places.” She smiled so wide that it looked fake. It didn’t reach her eyes at all, it was weird. Maybe she had too much Botox on her face, but she seemed young for Botox. But who knew when people actually started getting Botox?
Will scoffed from beside her like he saw right through her façade. Thank God I wasn’t the only one.
I wondered how Jay missed it, though—he was a pretty good judge of character. Maybe to him, she just seemed nice.
“That’s great, Cece.” I smiled at her, not knowing what to say.
Soon, the entire gang crashed into the kitchen.
“Evy, have you met my new best friend in L.A.?” Katy jumped to hug White from the side. “Cece is so much fun. I can’t wait for a girl’s day out. But I miss Lily. She should be here too.”
I sighed internally, even Katy had fallen for White’s charms. I don’t know what it was about White, but something about her bothered me so much. Maybe I was overreacting because she looked at Jay with goo-goo eyes, and I was absolutely jealous. She looked like a model, and he would probably be with her if I wasn’t in the picture.
“Yes, Katy, I have met her,” I replied.I so wanted another coffee for this,I said to myself as I made my way to the coffee machine.
Jay was hanging out with the guys on the couch, and he gave me a smile when he saw me looking at him. I blushed, smiling wider.
Be still my beating heart, I told myself. He was just too gorgeous.
I pressed the button on the coffee machine that magically dispersed the nectar of the gods themselves, coffee. If there was a way to keep drinking coffee all day, I would do it. Poor animals. I thought. They couldn’t drink coffee.