Page 32 of A Fate of Wings
Our hearts beat in time while the flames flickered orange over her face making her appear even more alluring than she already was.
“I suppose it’s our powerful voice. Men succumb to our singing. It leaves little to be desired to realize another siren can lure your mate to them with a song.”
I ran my hand along her thigh. “You’re holding back on me.”
“Perhaps.” Her lips quirked against my chest. “Tell me about being a Rage Demon.”
“The old change of subject.”
She shrugged.
“I suppose I can.”
She chuckled.
“Rage Demons are too powerful with rage. If we let our rage rule us, let it overtake our bodies, we can destroy immortals, destroy realms.”
She gasped and swung around to face me, her legs parted around my body, and her damp heat pressed on my thighs.
“That’s…” She shook her head.
“Difficult. I know. I lived it my entire life. Until I had you.”
“What do you mean?”
I cupped the back of her neck. “As soon as I was inside you for the first time, I couldn’t hold back my power. It surged into you with my release, but after that, it was as though even touching you stopped any surge of overwhelming rage.”
She leaned her head forward and touched her lips to my mouth in a slow kiss. I could work with her fear that another siren would lure me away. Tomorrow, I’d prove no one’s song would affect me but my mate’s.
“Good morning, little queen.” I kissed Thea awake after we’d fallen asleep in front of the fire.
“Damn.” She stretched. Every long limb was on display to my hungry gaze.
Every piece of skin I wanted to nuzzle, lick and bite, but I hauled her to her feet.
“I think we should have singers at our ceremony.”
Her eyebrows almost disappeared from her head.
“Yes, who else?”
“No. No way.” Her hair flashed about her head as she shook it from side to side.
“Trust me.”
“Trust you?” She crossed her arms over her naked chest, leaving me with a tantalizing view of rounded flesh between her limbs. “You still won’t tell me your name.”
I chuckled.
“The sooner we get to trusting each other, then I will.”
She stomped into her wardrobe. I followed behind her. She rustled the gowns in an agitated manner.
“Pick one,” I said after she’d searched the entire wardrobe and returned empty-handed.
“I can’t.”