Page 27 of Love is So Mean
“I can’t move when it’s dark. I need light.”
“Why,” I don’t know if she can hear the concern in my voice but I’ve never heard of that.
“My therapist says it’s linked to my trauma, kind of like a temporary paralysis thing. Baba called it my punishment for not listening. Now, can you turn on the light, please?” There’s a bit of a tremor with her ‘please’ but she clears her throat.
The more I hear about her dad, the more I understand why she wasn’t concerned when he was in the hospital. In fact, I feel like putting him in the damn hospital. The man he shows the world is sounding more and more fake by the minute.
“Okay,” I turn on the light, somewhat forgetting that what I saw glimpses of in the dark will be magnified in the light. My eyes linger on her perky breasts a second too long before I avert my gaze.Did she see that?It’s crazy that I’m in a hotel room with a near naked woman that isn’t Emily. Would I believe myself that this is all innocent? “Um, did you take your medicine?”
“Not yet.” Yasmeena says as she walks out of the bathroom. “I’m taking it now. Do I need to take it in front of you for proof?”
I smile because it was a serious question but it is something I want. “Please.”
Yasmeena turns with a tied-up robe that barely covers anything. I close my eyes and rub them once I realize that I’m now privy to exactly how her naked ass looks. It’s a very nice ass that I was not meant to see. Never have I ever been alone with a damn near naked attractive woman and not try to sexually escalate the situation. I open my eyes in time to see her take the medicine.
“There.” She lifts her tongue so I can see. “Anything else?”
I shake my head with another smile.
“Am I to assume you’re done for the night and not returning to the gala?”
“I can’t be done for the night, Enrique. It’s my company. I can’t just disappear but I can say that I had a wardrobe change…wait here, I need someone to zip me up. Usually I have someone else do it but Drew and Matthew don’t need to run up here for that. Just wait here and I don’t know, watch something.”
“Okay, I’ll wait.” I pull out my phone, preparing for all of the ‘where are you texts’ that will be waiting for me. There are a few from Emily but the last one is from Jeeves.
Jeeves: I’m entertaining your woman. I happened to see that she was blowing up your phone.
Me: Thank you so much. I’ll be back in about ten minutes. The last fire is almost extinguished.
30 minutesand a few more texted excuses later, Yasmeena comes out of the room holding the front end of the dress to her person, her hair is clipped up with a few tendrils slipping out. She turns around, giving me her back. “Okay, zip me up please.”
I zip the dress and she turns to face me, shocking me once again tonight. She has to know that she’s beautiful. The black, lacy dress leaves all of her shoulders completely exposed and pushes up the breasts-that I spent at least 15 minutes trying to ignore-like they’re being offered to me. Technically, they are. That thought alone makes my throat dry.
“You look beautiful,” I admit unexpectedly.
“Thank you. You look beautiful, too. Now let’s go make me some more money, shall we?”
I would not describe Yasmeena as amusing but her statement made me laugh. “Just you, huh?”
“You too, I guess.”
We don’t talk as we walk to the elevator but once the doors close I look at her again. “Yasmeena, thank you for giving me all the information. Give me forty-eight hours for my final answer, please.”
I press the button for my floor then for the lobby.
“Okay, that’s good enough for me.” There’s no indication to whether she’s a bit hopeful at this moment. It’s the same monotone reply I’m used to.
The elevator stops on my floor and I move to get off.
“Running away already, Cinderella?”
“Yasmeena with another joke. I’m beginning to think you actually have a sense of humor.”
“I’m practicing.” She shrugs.
“You’re getting better. I like it.” I hold the door so it doesn’t close on me again. “I’ll be down in a bit. Emily is already jealous enough to ask you intrusive questions. I don’t think it’s best that we reappear together.” I take in her body in that dress and make sure she doesn't look pale or ill anymore because it’ll be the last time I can look at her unsupervised. “Especially with the outfit change.”
“I guess it’s true, a woman does know. Interesting but she doesn’t need to be jealous. You love her, that’s usually enough.”