Page 87 of Shattered Hearts
Wait a second. Cian is the answer to all my problems.
He walks straight past me, but I grab his sleeve and use all my strength to drag him into a nearby alcove I know about from my hide-and-seek days.
Cian’s smug mouth flattens to a line. He’s clearly bothered by my bringing him here. Leaning back against the wall, he digs a cigarette from his pocket.
He lights up as his green eyes narrow in suspicion. “Make it quick”
“Will you…” I bite my lip. “Will you take me to work and pick me up later?”
I hate how vulnerable I feel right now. I hate how once again, I can’t do something simple by myself. No,instead, I have toask some sexy jerk for help, and he probably doesn’t give a shit about my predicament. But at least he knows about our charade. I don’t have to pretend I’m Harper with him.
Right on cue, Cian exits the alcove without a word.
“Please.” I loop both my arms around the tree trunk he calls his right bicep and throw my whole weight into dragging him back. “This is an emergency. You’re my only hope. I’m not happy about it either.”
“Sounds like a job for yourhusband.” With raised eyebrows, he scrutinizes my face.
Man, today is a shitshow.
Cian shifts us deeper into the alcove so no one will see us like this. Maybe someone will start a rumor that Finn’s wife is cheating on him. Fantastic.Could this day get any worse?
My lip trembles, but I absolutely refuse to cry again.
He huffs out an exasperated sigh. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
I don’t even know where to start. “Look, I don’t know where Finn is, and I have to get to work. I’m going to be late as it is.”
He studies me long and hard. “So why don’t you call Finn?”
“I…can’t.” I shudder, willing myself to keep my cool.
“Okay, if you won’t call him, then I will.”
“No!” My fingers wrap around his forearm in seconds. “Please don’t. It’s…complicated.”
He eyes me, irritation and concern warring on his face. “Well? Spit it out.”
I peek around the alcove, ensuring no one is around to overhear me. “I’m here posing as Finn’s happy little bride because I have no choice. I’m worried sick about my sister and have no clue where she is, and I can’t go back to my apartment because my psycho ex trashed it and tried to kill me, and now I’m going to be late for work…the only stable thing in my life…because I have no way to get there.”
Cian deliberates in silence before pinning me with his inquisitive green eyes. “You still haven’t told me why you can’t call Finn. Sure, things are…complicated, as you said, but you two seemed to have gotten along well enough over the last few days.”
I can’t meet his gaze. Because if I do, Cian will see the truth. I know he will. I’m attracted to my sister’s soon-to-be husband. More than attracted, considering I fucked him all day yesterday. And Cian absolutely does not need to know that.
“Well, fuck.” Cian sighs. “Come on.”
I hoped something as simple as finding a way out of here and going to work would improve my apocalyptic mood, but I’m wrong.
Even when I’m in Cian’s car, putting miles of good road between me and the mansion, I feel like shit. Thankfully, riding around with Cian isn’t as bad as riding around with Finn. I don’t think about fucking Cian one single time.
And he doesn’t seem to be thinking about me. His mind seems unreachable, like nothing I do or say could snap him into this moment. Not that I have much to say. The comfortable silence between us is a perk of our mutually assured secrecy.
Cian has no desire to out me as an imposter. Ultimately, exposing me would reflect badly on my sister, whom I suspect he has a thing for. Equally, I have no desire to out his connection with Harper. I doubt anyone cares. Not like Finn would. Finn doesn’t care about anything except following orders.
Though I’m still curious about Cian’s relationship with Harper, I’m far from interested in hearing about it right now. And it’s not as though I’m in any position to umpire anyone else’s romantic drama. Truth be told, rather than prod Cian, I’d be much happier to grill Harper about the details myself the next time I see her.
I just hope she’s okay.
I take a sip of the coffee Cian snagged for me on our way out. We’re only four blocks from my job now, and I’ve texted Michelle to let her know I’m running late.