Page 67 of Lost In The Dark
“Rough night,” I admitted with a half-smile.
“Come and sit down. I’m guessing you didn’t sleep much? You’re trembling,” he fussed as he led me to the seat he had just vacated and lifted me into it beside Jordan.
“I knew I should have pushed harder to stay with you,” Asher added as he appeared across the counter from me and took me in with a look of frustration.
“I’m okay. I’ll try to rest more later,” I reassured them.
“You want something to drink?” Jordan asked as he got to his feet and gave me a gentle smile.
“Just some water please.”
“Coming right up, princess.” He winked at me and I found myself smiling a little. This was why I needed them around me. They barely had to say or do anything, and instantly I felt cared for and comforted when I was with them all.
“Think you can manage some eggs this morning?” Adam asked. I looked over to him and smiled, but shook my head. My stomach was in knots and eggs didn’t sound ideal. “I’ll try some cereal or something a little later,” I added, seeing the worry on his face as he looked me over.
“Are you going to be okay today, sweetheart? Eli and I have some meetings that may run long. We likely won’t be home until midafternoon,” Asher worried as he continued to look at me assessingly.
I wanted to assure him I’d be fine, but the truth was, I still felt the lingering darkness from the night before and that scared me. I looked to Adam, then to Jordan who was just handing me a glass of iced water.
“Will you guys be around?” I asked, embarrassed.
“Yep. I’m a jobless bum now, remember? I’ll be here all day,” Jordan joked.
“Me too. I have some tasks around the house to take care of,” Adam agreed. I let out a sight of relief then looked to Asher again.
“I’ll be fine with the guys,” I told him.
“You have your first appointment with the counselor this afternoon. Are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?” Eli asked.
We had discussed this a few times since Asher got me the appointment. One or both of them had wanted to be able to come to the office with me for support. They told me they didn’t need to be in the room for the session, but they just wanted to be close in case I needed them. Part of me wanted that too. Just the idea of leaving the property without one of my brothers at my side was scary enough, but I was also worried about the state I would be in when I left that session that afternoon. If I was falling apart, I didn’t want my brothers there to witness it. I had been enough of a mess in the time they had known me. I just couldn’t stand to put them through anything more.
“I’m sure. I want to do this myself. I need to try and get some control of my life back,” I explained as confidently as I could. It wasn’t a lie. I did need to try and piece together some kind of life for myself. I just wished I had just one clue how to begin doing that though.
“Ad or I can go with her if she changes her mind,” Jordan added as he took his seat again and covered my shaky hand, which sat on the counter, with his. His grip was so warm and strong. Just that small touch soothed me.
“See? I’ll be totally fine,” I told them with a smile, but they looked far from convinced.
“Just make sure you stay at Kane’s side the entire time you’re out, okay? Not in the session obviously, but Kane will remain right outside the room, just in case,” Asher reminded me. I nodded my agreement. I was anxious about seeing Kane again after the night before, but no matter what was happeningbetween us, there was no way I’d put myself at risk by straying from the side of my protection, not after his warning people could be trying to get to me.
I was relieved when Adam said the food was ready and everyone took seats and tucked in. It took the pressure of them all watching me away and I felt able to take a breath.
“Morning.” My eyes snapped up at the raspy voice as the door from the yard opened and Kane slipped inside. He was dressed in black cargo pants and a long sleeved henley that hugged him in all the right places. He wore a grey wool beanie and his gun holster was over his shoulders as always.
“Hey Kane. Everything okay?” Asher asked as he looked up with a smile.
“All good. Just thought I’d grab some breakfast if there’s some going?” His gaze seemed to gravitate to me as he spoke, and when I gave him a shaky smile, he returned it instantly.
Was this because of last night? Was he there to prove he meant what he said and he didn’t hate me? Or was he there because I’d admitted I had considered hurting myself and he was worried about me? Either way, I was just glad to have him there. Somehow his presence felt like the final piece of a puzzle slotting into place and suddenly I felt so much calmer and more centered with him, Adam, and Jordan all close, as well as my brothers.
“In the pan, bud. Help yourself,” Adam said as he pointed to the stove, then went back to his own plate of food.
“You not eating, pretty girl?” Kane asked as he rounded the counter into the kitchen, but kept his focus on me.
“I’m not really hungry,” I replied shyly. This was weird. For two weeks he’d barely spoken to me in front of others and now therehe stood, being kind and gentle with me. I wasn’t sure how to react and it didn’t help that my heart was pounding at the realization all of the guys I was falling for were in the same room with me.
“Maybe just try a little, yeah? It’ll help with that trembling if you can eat something,” he told me as he nodded to my shaking hands cradled around my glass of water. When I met his eyes I saw the determination in them. He wanted me to eat something and I was pretty sure he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“Okay,” I nodded. “Just a little.”