Page 24 of Kisses
“We agreed to keep this going.”
“WHAT?? Lyla, I hope you know what you are getting into.”
“I really don’t.”
She pauses, “He must have a magic cock.”
This catches me off guard. We both laugh. When I think about it, his cock is something else. He fits me like a glove. I laugh to myself.
In all honesty, Kandace is right. I am insane and definitely not thinking. There is something about him. I just can’t explain the magnetic force drawing me to him.
What the hell am I thinking? She’s my student.
I ride my bike down the path leading to one of the breweries close to campus. I told Todd I would meet him for a beer after the workday. I am frustrated with myself. My entire guard came down when she threw herself at me. Then, in post-sex haze, we agree to continue with sex. She was pretty clear about it only being sex. That is cool with me. I just wish the whole student teacher thing was nonexistent. If anybody were to find out, I could lose everything I have worked for. I enjoy teaching my class at the university. I know I am known for other accomplishments, and seeing Lyla would not affect that. Teaching at the school where I fell in love with journalism is my way of giving back. I had so many professors who believed in me. Now, they are my colleagues.
I ride up to the brewery and park my bike next to Todd’s Green Machine. Yes, we name our bikes. I walk into the brewery and see my friend talking with some of the other cyclists we tend to ride with on the weekends. Todd sees me and nods.
I walk up to the bar and order a beer. I head over to where my friends are. Todd looks at me funny. I sit down next to him at the high-top table. I greet, “Hey guys.”
They all say hi back to me.
Todd questions, “What’s up with you? You seem tense.”
I sigh, “Long day at the office.”
He laughs, “You teach one class.”
“And do research.”
“Dude, explain to me how hard that is.”
“I wish I could.” I take a sip of my beer. I got the hoppiest IPA I could get. It is fucking bitter.
“Then do it. I know something is up with you.”
I laugh, “It’s not good.”
“Just fucking get to it.”
I take a deep breath and say, “Lyla.”
His eyes squint and he asks, “What about her?”
I take another sip of my beer. I say, “We fucked again.”
I sigh, “She came to my office all pissed off about her grade. We argued back and forth. The next thing I know, we were tearing off each other’s clothes.”
Todd gives me the look of death. More like, you are a fucking idiot. Todd is more conservative than me. He follows the rules for sure. But he isn’t so innocent himself. He slept with a student too. However, she isn’t a student of his. I am not sure if the ramifications are worse, if there is any.
Todd asks, “Are you really going to do this?”
I answer, “Yeah. There is something about her. I’m just drawn to her.”
He pauses for a minute then speaks, “I get that.” He takes a deep breath and asks, “Is there any way you can help me get in contact with Kandace?”