Page 15 of Unlikely to Stay
Chapter 4
CC was woken with what could only be another person jumping on her bed.She opened one eye and wrinkled her brow.“What time is it?”
Breckin hit CC with a green throw pillow.“Who cares what time it is?I havenews!”
“You hate mornings more than any person I know!”CC grumbled.“And I want to know what time it is!Sunday is theonlyday I have to sleep in!”
“Not true!You close the shop on Monday, which is today!”
CC sat up in bed and hit her friend on the head with her other pillow.
“Ow!What is that made of, lead?”
“No.For your information, it’s amemory foampillow.They’re supposed to provide support for your neck.”
“And can also be used for self-defense, apparently.”
“If it’s Monday, why aren’t you at school?”CC asked, lying back down on the bed and covering her head with her comforter.One of the reasons CC believed God made Breckin and Annie her friends was the fact they all hated mornings with a passion.To them, getting up before the clock hit double digits on the weekend wasnotsleeping in.
CC’s bedroom was her sanctuary.The one place she had decorated completely herself.Sometimes she would just sit on her bed and stare at the walls because her room made her so happy.
When CC had moved back to Parker after cosmetology school, moving back in with her mom was out of the question.She couldn’t survive.One morning over a cup of coffee and a bagel at Sadie’s, she was looking through Parker’s newspaper ads to see if anyone was had a house for rent.Sadie had seen what CC was looking at and offered the apartment above the café.
“Sadie, I can’t do that,” CC had said.
“Why not?It’s not like we have any use for it.Have no prospects of anyone living there in the future.We mainly use it for storage, which we can easily move and put in our garage.You need a place to live.We have one.I’ll even give it to you for a great price.”
CC had finally agreed and gotten moved into the little apartment within the week.When she had moved in, Sadie told her to go crazy with color.“Nobody’s lived in this place since me and Clyde were newlyweds,” Sadie had told her.“It could use some cheer.”
So cheer CC had given it.Her friends had insisted on helping in the living room, kitchen, and bathroom.CC had managed to keep all their personal tastes under control to create some sort of eclectic chaos that she could live with.But she put her foot down when it came to her room.She was decorating it herself.
Which is why her walls were a pale cantaloupe orange, her bohemian comforter accented with throw pillows of all shapes, sizes, and colors.She had made her own tufted headboard out of plywood, an egg crate mattress topper, purple velvet, and a variety of colored buttons, and painted her dresser a green that reminded her of a muted version of the inside of a kiwi, then distressed it with black chalk paint.White paper lanterns of numerous shapes and sizes ran the length of the wall above her bed.Her bedroom was her sanctuary.
“Personal day,” Breckin said.“I needed to do some business.”
“Does the business you’re doing require your boyfriend being naked?”CC mumbled from under the sheets.“That sounds a lot better than annoying your best friend.So shoo.”
“No can do, Cees,” Breckin said.“BecauseIhave a brilliant idea.”
CC threw the covers back over her head.“What?What?What is your brilliant idea?Just tell me already so I can go back to sleep.And tell me the damn time!”
Breckin stared at her.“Sheesh.I’ve forgotten how mean you are when you’re woken up.”
“Let it be a lesson to you to not do it again!”
“Duly noted, Miss Grumpy Pants.To answer your question, it’s eight-thirty.”
CC moaned.“I’m not up before ten on Monday!Why, why, why did you do this to me?I’m already sexless.Do you want me to be sleepless, too?”
Breckin rolled her eyes.“You are being very dramatic.”
“Says the woman living the fairy tale.”
“Hey, now.Cut that shit out.I had to live a nightmare before I got the fairy tale, thank you very much.”
CC instantly felt remorse for her words.Breckin’s life before Griff was miserable.She was in a relationship with a jerk to the nth degree who left her for a high school cheerleader as soon as she graduated.The cheerleader had even gotten pregnant and then lied to Breckin about her losing the baby to try and win Breckin back When she told him she loved Griff, Brad decided to burn down Griff’s bar.He was still serving time in prison for it.