Page 105 of Indescribable
“It was. And a pretty one, too.”
“Good to hear. Naomi tells me you’re interviewing for a position here at the middle school?”
She nods. “Monday. I’ve been researching the district and think it’s a good fit for what I’m looking for.”
“Good luck to you. Raised this one in the district and went there myself. We turned out okay.”
Paisley laughs. “Okay is good.”
“I think we did better than okay,” I grouch.
Dad hems and haws. “Remains to be seen.”
I guffaw. “Nice, Dad.”
“You got a minute?” he asks and I know my suspicions are right. He’s here to check up on me.
“Sure. We’ll be right back,” I tell Paisley.
“You can stay here. Take your time. I’ll just go unpack a bit.”
“Room’s all yours.”
As soon as she’s out of ear shot, he turns to me. “Wyatt?”
I sigh. “It wasn’t a big deal, Dad. He stopped to apologize before Dale took him to rehab. Brock was here the entire time.”
He grunts. “Heard that, too.”
I groan. “Damn you, Red Oak!” I shake my fist in the air.
He chuckles. “Yes, Brock and I are officially together. Yes, Wyatt stopped by this morning. I texted Brock to let him know and he turned around and came back here. Parked his pickup and watched from there to make sure I was okay. I had called Dale also, to let him know that Wyatt was here and he showed up a little later as well. He did his normal thing, trying to pass the blame before he realized I wasn’t going to take it and ended up apologizing. He told me he’d been using for two years and I wished him well with his recovery.”
“This is the second time that asshat has showed up here and I was the last to know, Naomi.”
“I’m a big girl, Dad. I can take care of myself, you know.”
“You’re my baby girl, Naomi. You need me, I’m here. And even if you don’t need me, I’m still here.” He shakes his head, clearly frustrated with me. “Still giving me more gray hair even when you’re thirty.”
“Sorry, Dad. There won’t be a next time, but if there is, you’re my first call. I promise.”
“I better be. This hearing it from other people is bullshit.”
I wince, realizing it’s not only about him wanting to protect me, but I hurt him by notneedinghim. “My bad.”
He pulls me in by the neck for a hug. “What am I going to do with you, huh?”
I shrug against him and wrap my arms around his waist. “I like to be difficult.”
He grunts. “No shit.” He’s quiet for a few beats before releasing me. “So, you and Brock finally pulled your heads out of your asses, huh?”
“Seriously? Was I the last to know?”
Rolling my eyes, I move to the kitchen to offer him a coffee, which he declines. “We went on a date last night.”
“How was it?”