Page 39 of Indescribable
“I didn’t stutter, asshole.”
“How about we take this outside?” he demands, stepping closer.
“Hmm. How about no,” I respond, not even standing from my chair.
He scoffs. “Figures. You were always a pussy.”
Cash turns his head and cracks his knuckles. “Say what?”
“You heard me. All of you. Big. Giant. Pussies. Never going after what you want, just standing on the sidelines letting other people that are actually man enough to step in. Your own brother couldn’t even keep his girl around to raise their child. Callsmywife Auntie because he needs a mom so bad he’s reaching for random women in town to be around him. Boone has to do it all on his own like a loser. Can’t find a woman to be a mom to that little bastard…”
That’s when my fist flies.
I don’t think twice.
Sure, I knew he was saying it to get under our skin but no one talks about Cody or any of my family that way.
Chairs scrape across the wooden floor, people shout, and I hear a beer bottle break. I faintly hear Cash telling me to stop but I don’t listen. None of it matters but beating the shit out of this guy. The guy who was married to the girl ofmydreams and didn’t know a good thing when he had it. Stepped out on her, wasn’t loyal to her, and he thinks he’s better than me?
Screw that.
I lose count of how many punches I throw and take before Cash pulls me away and Mikey hauls Wyatt off the floor.
Mikey has Wyatt wrapped in a bear hug from behind. Wyatt’s breathing heavily with blood trickling out of the corner of his mouth. I can already see his eye swelling.
It shouldn’t put a smile on my face but it does.
Cash is standing next to me, his hands on my shoulders.
“Who’s the pussy now?” I taunt and he jerks, trying to get out of Mikey’s hold but is fruitless in his attempts. Mikey’s the biggest guy I know. A bear of a man standing around six and a half feet tall and weighs probably three hundred pounds. He’s all muscle. Competes in strong man competitions. Wyatt’s no match for him.
“I’ll fuckin’ ruin you!” Wyatt shouts, pointing at me.
“And if you try, there’s over twenty witnesses in here that will say you started this shit tonight. Now get outta here,” Mikey growls, giving Wyatt a shove toward the door. “I mean it, Wyatt. Don’t come in here starting shit like that.”
“He threw the first punch!” Wyatt argues. He sounds like a toddler.
“And you were the one who instigated it.”
With a final shove, he pushes Wyatt out the door and Mikey turns to the crowd, most of them staring at the door like they can’t believe they just witnessed an actual bar fight, some who have their phones raised, recording it.
“It’s over, y’all.”
“Sorry, everyone,” I say. “Next round on me, got it?”
A few people cheer that they’re getting a free drink, some come over and check if I’m okay and make comments about what a jerk Wyatt is.
The brunette he was with earlier steps through the crowd and timidly walks to our table.
“Are you okay?” she asks.
I give her a small nod. “I’m fine.”
“I know I shouldn’t apologize for him, but also feel like I need to. He was talking about you two the entire time. Wouldn’t take his eyes off you and kept saying what horrible guys you were. Something about it gave me a creepy feeling so I hid out in the bathroom and called a friend to pick me up. When I saw him talking to you, I knew he was bad news.”
“He’s…” I struggle to come up with the words I want to use but she stops me with a hand in the air.
“Don’t. I’m old enough to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff and he was a whole lot of chaff.”