Page 75 of Indescribable
“Really wish I was. I searched the room and found this. I’m pretty sure it’s the only one but I can’t be sure. Kind of afraid to keep looking.”
“That dumbass.”
“My thoughts exactly,” Brock tosses out there. “Sorry, Dale, I know he’s your son, but this isn’t right.”
“No, it isn’t.” Dale sits on the edge of the bed and hangs his head. “What are we going to do with him?”
“We’re going to get him straight,” Duke promises.
When Duke moves closer to the dresser, I shout, “Don’t touch it! We don’t want our fingerprints on it, right? Shouldn’t we be wearing gloves?”
Brock chokes on a laugh and Duke and Dale’s lips quirk like they’re trying not to smile.
“I’m serious, guys. We don’t want to have our fingerprints on it, right?”
“You watch too many crime shows.”
“I can’t help it! They’re addictive and super interesting. But I’m pretty sure I’m right about this. And if I’m not, at least we’ll be safe, right?”
“You’re probably not far off. You call it in yet?”
I shake my head. “No. I honestly contemplated just flushing it and trying to forget about it. Wasn’t sure what to do, though, and Brock suggested calling you.”
“This isn’t your responsibility so we’ll take care of it.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Call Charlie. Wyatt needs to be held responsible for his actions or he’s not going to learn from this.”
“Dale…” I hedge.
“It’s gotta be done, darlin’. Sucks to do it but if I learned anything by being a parent, it’s that you can’t hold their hand forever. He’s old enough to know better and still did this shit. It’s time he’s held accountable.”
“What if the police say it’s mine?” I ask my biggest fear.
“They won’t,” Duke says. “We’ll call Charlie and have him come over. He knows the situation.”
I’m still not sure this is the best way to go about it, but Dale is right. This is Wyatt’s problem and he needs to deal with it rather than bring others down with him.
“You sure about this, Naomi?” Brock asks me quietly.
I shrug and wipe a tear that starts rolling down my cheek. “No, but also yes. This sucks.”
Not caring that Dale and Duke are in the room with us, he pulls me into a hug and kisses the top of my head. Neither of them comment on it, not that they have a place to.
“I’ll step out of the room and give Charlie a call,” Duke mumbles, adding, “What a damn day this has turned out to be.”
It feels like it’s been a week wrapped up in one day and it’s only been about six hours.
I shoot Leah a quick text, knowing this is going to take a while.
Me:Change of plans for tonight. It’s a whole thing but I’m okay. Brock is here with me now. Turns out the Wyatt crap isn’t over with quite yet. I came home and searched and found something…
Me:Yup. Unfortunately. Dale is here now with me. He’s calling Charlie now.
Leah:This is getting out of hand. You sure you don’t want us there with you? Maybe just me and Stone? Want me to call your dad?