Page 55 of Rebel's Fairytale
“You good, Sweetie,” Rebel whispered into her ear.
She smiled at him and nodded. “Yeah.”
Sitting in his mother’s car down the street from the house where the wife-stealing asshole lived, Niles watched as the prick backed Mary up to the side of the box truck and kissed her. He couldn’t believe his wife was being such a damn slut. It didn’t matter that they were divorced. She took some vows, and he was going to make sure she honored them for the rest of her damn life.
When his kids ran out from the front door, Mary and the prick broke up their make-out session. The prick rounded the back of the truck, where Jenna ran up to him and wrapped her arms around the prick’s legs. Looking up at him, Jenna smiled and said something.
The prick threw his head back and laughed before he bent down and lifted Niles’s daughter into his arms. It was at that moment that he knew he’d have to end the fucker’s life, but he’d make him suffer first.
“Why are we just sitting here watching that couple?”
“That’s my wife and my kids,” Niles told Stella.
“Then, why is she making out with the hot guy?”
Niles shot her a glare. “He’s notthathot.”
Stella shrugged. “Looks pretty hot to me.”
“Whatever. She divorced me, but that doesn’t mean shit. She’s mine. And they are my kids. He shouldn’t have his hands on them.”
“If you say so.”
“He’s a Howler,” he told her.
“What?” She looked over at him, suddenly alert. “Seriously?”
Niles nodded. “He goes by Rock. He has two kids of his own.”
“What else do you know about him?”
“Do you mean do I know if he’s a shifter? No, I don’t. But he’s one of them, so I assume he is.”
Stella raised her phone and took a picture. When Niles looked at where her phone was pointed, he saw Mary grinning at the prick as he grabbed a box off the back of the truck and carried it toward the house. Yeah, she would pay, too.
Rebel was sitting on the ground in front of the chair Bri was in. He was between her legs, with his knees bent and up in front of him.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw who texted her. With a smile on her face, she replied to the text and returned her phone to her pocket.
As Rebel took another drink of his beer, Bri glanced over at Ranger to see him looking at his phone and smiling. She bent down and slid her arms around Rebel’s neck. Pressing her face to the side of his head, she let out a sigh.
He reached his free hand up and gave one of her forearms a squeeze. “Glad you’re here, Ruby,” he whispered and turned his head to kiss her cheek.
As he nuzzled against her neck, Bri watched as Pike shifted Pixie’s legs until they were resting on his lap, removed her shoes, and began rubbing her feet. She looked over at Siren and Sugar, and saw Siren wrapping a blanket he grabbed from inside around Sugar’s shoulders. He bent down and kissed the top of her head.
“Pixie, your water is low. I’ll get you more. Sugar? Ruby?”
“I’m good,” Ruby replied.
Sugar handed him her glass. “Another margarita. STAT,” she said with urgency.
Ranger chuckled. “On it, doctor!‘To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind.’“ Then, he jogged to the house.
She almost snorted when Ranger quoted Pearl S. Buck. The look the men gave him was hilarious. “He didn’t ask about you guys,” Bri mentioned to Rebel.