Page 94 of Because of Blake
“Worst four days of my life.”
“We went weeks without seeing each other after Valentine’s Day.”
“Yeah, but I knew you were right here. I could come see you if I needed to. California is a little farther away.”
“Okay, fair. But I’m home now.” My words are cut off by a yawn.
“Extremely. We didn’t stop the whole time we were there, and I barely slept. The kids crashed every night, but I stayed up to text someone who missed me.” I run my finger down his cheek.
I laugh outright. “Blake Averson, you aresofunny. Now, can we please go inside? I need a nap.”
He nods and climbs out of the truck’s cab. After grabbing our bags, he meets me at the front door and follows me inside where I tell him to set the bags down. We’ll deal with them later. I go to find Dylan, and he’s in the basement already.
“Dylan, are you okay down there?”
“Yeah, Mom. I’m playing Xbox! Can Trevor come over?”
“Not yet. I’m going to take a nap. You know where to find me if you need something.”
Next, I find Sydney already in her room. I tap lightly on her door. “Syd? You good?”
“Yeah, Mom. Just reading.”
“Didn’t do enough on the plane, huh?”
“Ha, ha. I have some stuff to catch up on for school. I want to get a head start for the next big test.”
“Well, I’m proud of you. I’m going to take a nap. Dylan’s in the basement, so if you guys need me–”
“Yeah, yeah. You’ll be in your room. I know, Mom.” I can almost hear her eyes rolling from behind her book.
I meet Blake in my room. He’s already turned down the blankets and crawled in, patting the bed to invite me to lie next to him, which I do without hesitation. I curl into him, snuggling against his chest and wrapping my arms around his middle. His chin rests on top of my head, his breath moving my hair.
I giggle, running my hand up to scratch my head. “That tickles.”
“Sorry.” He adjusts his position, turning his head toward the ceiling and taking some strands of my hair that get caught in his beard. “Better?”
I nod, my eyes closed, and my heartbeat falls into step with his under my head.
“See? I should’ve come with you guys. I could’ve run interference so you could get some sleep.”
I sigh, no longer relaxed. “Blake, I said I was sorry. I really thought I’d told you about the trip.”
“I know, and I said it’s okay.”
“Well, obviously it isn’t if you’re bringing it up right now.”
“Just promise to include me in the next one, okay?”
I push back and lock eyes with him, suddenly not so tired anymore. “First of all, I haven’t given any thought to our next family vacation. Second, I include you in all kinds of things we do. Things that have been just me and my kids for years, now include you.”
“Maggie, I–”