Page 37 of Demon's Desire
“Why haven’t you done that?” I asked.
He sighed. “A few reasons, not the least of which is that I’ve been waiting to see you. It would be a shame to be so close only to lose you, little one. But besides that… call it curiosity. I want to know how this plays out, so I’ve decided to accept it for the time being.”
Great. So he could decide at any moment that this was more boring than he thought it would be and just do away with me. That was comforting.
“Why me?” I finally said. It was the question that had been brewing in my mind ever since we realized what was going on.
“Why you?” he repeated the question. “It’s not very complicated. When I saw you, I thought you were beautiful. I was just going to keep possessing men until you fucked one of them. I wanted to get you out of my system. Now, here we are.”
“What the fuck?” I glared through the darkness. “That’s so sleazy!”
He laughed at my indignation, and I felt his hand release my throat only to move up and cup my chin, holding it in place. This time, I could feel more razor sharp points against my skin, and I realized that they were the tips of his fingernails. That was terrifying. He definitely wouldn’t be fingering me anytime soon.
Wait, I meant, it’s not like he’d be doing anything else either, I just meant, you know, that would be dangerous. Not that I’d let him finger me anyway, even without the claws. I wasn’t thinking of him in any sort of sexual manner. I just meant, for instance… yeah.
“I’ve been called worse things,” he countered.
This time, I could feel his breath against my face. If you had asked me five minutes ago to guess what a demon’s breath smelled like, I’d have figured it would be rotten, sickly, like something was dying. But… it didn’t. It was subtle, actually. Almost sweet. Under other circumstances, I’d even say it was enticing.
He pulled away, dropping his hand, though he was still straddling my waist. “Do you have any other questions, little one?”
“I don’t think so,” I muttered. “Not right now.”
“Good… Then say my name,” he ordered. I could have sworn his eyes glowed brighter when he said that.
“Um… What was it again?” I bit my lip. “Sull…”
“Suldeargan.” He spoke slowly, enunciating each syllable for me.
“Sul… deargan,” I repeated. “Is that right?”
“Mmm… Say it one more time, Mia.” He sounded like he was aroused.
“Not if you’re going to get off on it.” I blushed and looked away.
Suddenly, I felt his breath against my ear again. “Say it one more time, Mia.” This time, it didn’t sound like a suggestion or a request. It was more like a command. No, not like. It was a command. And I wasn’t sure if it was fear or… something else, but I was inclined to obey.
“S-Suldeargan,” I whispered.
“Good girl.” He reached up and stroked my hair. I winced when he touched me, but I quickly realized that this touch wasn’t threatening or demanding like the others. It was gentle. Slow. Soft. “You can turn on the light now.”
As soon as he said that and moved so he was no longer on top of me, I jumped out of the bed and rushed to the door to flip on the light switch. I don’t think I could ever forget the second that followed. When I pictured a demon in my mind, it was more abstract. Maybe something that was made of free-flowing smoke, fire, or pure fear. I didn’t expect… him.
He looked human. Well, comparatively, anyway. He looked more human than a cloud of smoke. His body was mostly human. It was also massive. He looked like the pro wrestlers you saw on WWE. Actually, he looked bigger than some of them. Even sitting down on my bed, I estimated that he neared at least seven feet in height.
His skin was odd. Some parts of him looked like they were light gray, then there were sections of his body that looked purple. At first I didn’t understand, then I realized that it was the light. It was almost like his body was iridescent when light hit it at the right angle. I had the strange urge to get closer so I could see it better, but that felt dangerous for a lot of reasons.
Among his purplish-gray skin, he had a web of black tattoos across his chest. It looked like some sort of artistic spider web or inkblot. Scattered among the lines of the tattoos were a few visible scars. They were spread randomly across his torso and down his arms. When I got a better look at his hands, I realized that I was right. Each of his nails were sharp as blades, and they were all pitch black.
His face was probably the most normal thing about him. I mean, besides his skin color and eye color. Or the fact that his long hair was pure white. Or the long, black ram horns that spiraled out of the top of his head. If you ignored all of those things, his face was normal, very human, in fact. And when you got past all the unique coloring, he was actually kind of handsome.
The demon was handsome. Did I seriously just tell myself that? There was something wrong with me.
“Do you like what you see?” He smirked and stood up off of my bed.
His voice sounded much more… sultry now that I could see him. I was sure that was on purpose. Also, I hadn’t paid attention to the lower half of his body before, but now it was hard to ignore. He was wearing black pants that did absolutely nothing to hide the large bulge between his legs. And I mean large. It was intimidating, actually.
I quickly became aware of the fact that I was half naked. I grabbed the bottom of my t-shirt and tugged it down to cover as much as possible. “Um… You look… different from I thought you would.”