Page 38 of Demon's Desire
“How did you think I would look?” he questioned.
“I sort of thought you’d look… well, less human. Also not purple,” I explained. “Not that purple is bad! There’s nothing wrong with purple. Just… I was wrong, I guess.”
“Apparently.” He walked across the room until he was standing in front of me. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him. “But do you like what you see?”
I felt my cheeks turn red, and my brows pulled together. “You’re asking me if I’m attracted to you? You’re a seven-foot tall purple demon with horns, and you want to know if I’m attracted to you?”
“I do,” he purred. “Answer the question, Mia.”
I took a deep breath. “I think if you weren’t a seven-foot tall purple demon with horns, I would be very attracted to you. But here we are.”
He laughed and dropped his hand. “Fair enough.”
I relaxed a bit when he wasn’t touching me. “Now… What am I supposed to do exactly? With a demon hanging around my apartment?”
“I go where you go.” He shrugged. “I suggest you continue about your life, and I will follow you.”
“All right… In that case, I’m going to go tell my roommate that I’m eternally bound to a demon,” I said quickly, pulling open my door and darting down the hall toward her room. I honestly expected to hear his footsteps behind me, but I didn’t. I did hear him laughing, but he stayed put in my room.
I ran to Kelly’s door and started knocking on it quickly and loudly. “Kelly? Are you awake? If you aren’t, please wake up, please, please, please, this is important!”
After a moment, I heard her stumbling around behind the door, then it opened. She was rubbing her face. “Babe, I work tomorrow. Like, early. What’s up?”
Suddenly, I hugged her as tight as I could. Tears sprung to my eyes as I leaned into her. It took her less than a second to realize something was really wrong and hug me back.
“Hey, hey,” she whispered, rubbing my back. “What’s going on? Did you have a nightmare or something?”
“I wish,” I whispered, pulling back just enough to look at her. “Kelly, the demon… the one we tried to bind to the glass? It didn’t work.”
At first, she was confused. Not long after I started explaining, however, she just looked surprised. She pulled me into her room and flipped the light on, shutting the door behind us. As if I thought a door could keep him out.
“What the fuck…” she whispered, looking at me in shock. “What the fuck?!”
“I don’t know.” I shook my head. “I don’t know. But whatever it is, whatever this thing is… I’m scared…”
She grabbed me and hugged me again. “Of course you’re scared! I’m scared! I mean, I wondered if that seance shit was real, but I honestly thought this whole thing was psychological more than anything! There’s a demon in your room?!”
I paused when she said that. “Shit… It’s in my room… Alone.”
Her eyes went wide as she caught onto my train of thought. I yanked open her door, and we both rushed down the hall back to my room. When we got to the doorway, we both paused. Half of my underwear was strewn across the bed, all my drawers were open, and the demon—Suldeargan—was currently scrolling through my phone as he lay across my bed.
“There you are.” He looked up at me and smirked. “I thought you’d want a moment alone. And you brought Kelly.”
“Yes, I brought Kelly!” I cried, going to pick up my underwear. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You can’t just go through someone’s stuff!”
“I laid out all the ones I want to see you in.” He smirked and quickly sat forward so we were face to face. I froze, and my cheeks flared for a second before I had the sense to step back.
I reached into the nearest open drawer and grabbed a pair of sleep shorts, pulling them on as quickly as I could. “Ass.”
“Mia…” Kelly said softly from the doorway.
I kept my eyes on Suldeargan as I moved back over to her. “Yeah?”
“Mia… Who are you talking to?” she asked, her voice shaky. “And why is your phone… levitating?”
“What?” I looked at her in shock, then turned back to Suldeargan. He was still holding my phone. He dropped it in the center of the bed, and when he did, Kelly flinched. I quickly wrapped an arm around her to tell her it was okay. “Why can’t she see you? You said you exist in our world now.”
“I do.” He nodded. “But that doesn’t mean people have to see me. I can’t hide from you, no matter what. But if I choose not to reveal myself to other humans, then they can’t see me or sense me. They can, however–” He grabbed my phone and raised it up again before setting it back down, making Kelly tense up. “See things I’m interacting with.”