Page 79 of Demon's Desire
Now he was the one smirking. “You did? And what did you say exactly?”
“Just… that it happened.” I blushed, leaving for the bathroom so I could wash my face and brush my teeth.
He followed me, leaning lazily against the door frame. “Hm. So you didn’t go into any details?”
“About the fact that I let you chase me through the apartment? No, I did not.” I rolled my eyes as I wet my toothbrush and added the toothpaste. “She would never let me live it down.”
“Live what down?” he asked as I started brushing. “The fact that you like being hunted?”
I felt my cheeks heat up. I just ignored him and kept going.
“That’s what they call it, you know,” he purred, moving closer to me. “It’s called a hunt. When a hunter chases prey… it’s a hunt.”
I swallowed the lump forming in my throat and finished brushing before spitting the toothpaste out. “Who is ‘they’ exactly?”
“People like us.” He smirked and suddenly cupped my chin, forcing it up so I had to look at him. “People who like primal play.”
I felt my heart start to speed up as my face flushed. “That’s… How do you know so much about this?”
“I do my research.” He shrugged. “Now why don’t you finish up in here? Then I can hunt you again.”
“U-um.” I quickly turned away and started to wash my toothbrush. “That’s not a good idea. Kelly is here. And it would be loud. It’s just… not a bad idea. I mean, it is a bad idea, not a good one.”
“Oh?” He chuckled. “Hm. Then get ready for bed. I have another idea.”
“I don’t like the sound of that,” I muttered as I put my toothbrush up and started to rinse my mouth out.
“Oh, yes you do.”
Well, okay, he was right. But I didn’t want to admit it. I didn’t know why. It was a little embarrassing, I guess. I’d never considered myself someone who was into kinks or playing. But when I got aroused, all I could think of was the idea of Soul pushing me against a wall with his claws wrapped around my throat…
Shit. I was thinking about it now. My face was hot and my heart was racing. I closed my eyes and started to wash my face, hoping that would help me calm down, or at least I could blame the redness of my face on the cleanser.
All I could think about was what he’d said. What was his idea? What was he planning? Would I like it? What would I do if I didn’t like it?
I took my time washing my face, trying to get myself to calm down. Eventually, when I had rubbed my entire face raw, I started washing off the cleanser, then grabbed a washcloth to dry my face. When I stood up, Soul was right in front of me. He suddenly wrapped an arm around my waist and slid the other through my hair, making me gasp.
“What was your word?” he asked.
“My… What?” I stuttered.
“Your word,” he repeated patiently. “I told you to pick a word you’d say if you want me to stop. What–”
“Oh. Red,” I answered. “It was red, right?”
He nodded. “Red. Do we need to practice using it again?”
“N-no.” I shook my head. Honestly, it was a bit cloudy. I started to feel my heart race again.
“Tell me when you’ll say ‘red,’” he ordered.
I swallowed the lump in my throat again. “Um… When I want you to stop.”
“Good,” he whispered. “Now we’re going to your room.”
I nodded quickly, feeling almost like a child in the sense that he was guiding me, holding my hand as I learned new things about myself and about him. He kept his arm around my waist and led me over to my bedroom, where he shut the door behind me.
“So… what is your idea?” I asked, barely managing to keep from trembling.