Page 114 of Rise & Fall
“Dakota, imagining you pregnant with my baby does something to me,” he admits between the kisses he begins to spread between my jaw and the column of my throat.
“Wait, you’re not upset or mad?” I try to pull back from his heated kisses, but to no avail. “This doesn’t worry you? You’re not annoyed or—”
He leans back and tilts his head at me. “Fuck no. I know it sounds crazy. But if this is real, I want this, Dakota.”
“You do?” I search his face for any semblance of a lie. But I don’t find anything but a genuine, whole-hearted, generous man.
Does he want this with me? But we’ve not known each other long enough to know that this is what we are meant for. I mean, I know what I want and until now I thought it was unreachable. I thought it would forever be a shattered dream that I’d have to live with for the rest of my life.
But now there is a diminutive chance of this happening and Nolan says he wants it too.
“One thing?” he asks, wondering if I’d grant him the opportunity to use our game for a little moment of truth.
I smile softly and nod.
“I’ve never felt more excited for something than in this moment. It’s scary, sure. But most things worth living for are.”
Nolan’s words make their way into my ear, filling my head with a sense of protection, want, and more importantly, purpose.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, feeling like this went way better than I expected. “I mean, if this is true,” I look over at the stick laying on the countertop, “this could change our lives, Nolan. And what if I’m not really ready to be a mom. What if I’m really bad at it? What if Aria…wait, this means Aria will have a half sibling. What if she hates the baby? What if she hates me for breaking up your family?”
“Dakota, if you’re really pregnant, that makes you our family. And Aria loves you. She told me the other day.” He smirks at me in a reassuring way. Giving me hope to combat my sudden dump of question in emotions.
I feel the sting of his fingertips digging into my ass as he continues to hold me in place against the door.
“What if—” but before I can say another word, Nolan covers my mouth with his consuming kiss. Taking my what-ifs and turning them into right-nows. I can’t explain it, but he knows what I need. He knows that I’m not normally someone who rambles or spirals, someone who worries too much or stresses so easily. He knows that I need something to calm me down and to put my thoughts at ease.
That something is him.
His tongue begs for entry, licking the seam of my lips and I part them for him. We kiss in a fit of passion and hunger. I can feel his dick harden under my pussy, and I unconsciously grind into him.
He groans into my mouth, reaching up under my shirt and trailing his palm to cover my breast. He squeezes my tit in his hand, and the contact sends electricity lighting tiny fires all over my body.
Then he moves his hand back down to my stomach where he allows his fingers to graze lightly over my skin. My flesh pebbles with something that feels like longing. He doesn’t break the kiss as he slides his hand smoothly over the surface of my belly button, still holding me to the door with his body and his other hand which secures me by the back of my neck.
He gently swipes his thumb back and forth, and the gesture lights a candle to my heart, melting the organ with a passionate slow burn that creeps through to my soul as I feel every small stroke of something more.
He breaks the kiss, leaning back and looking down between us. His palm flush against the flesh of my stomach.
“You’ll be a great mother, Dakota,” he says, still looking at where his hand caresses my belly. “Everything else, we will tackle when we get there. But I’m not leaving you to do this on your own.” He leans his head down and presses a kiss to my forehead.
“I’m nervous.” I admit, not really knowing what to expect from here on out. My first question is how?
“Me too. But we’ll get through this together. Got it?” Nolan squeezes my hand, reassuring me that it’ll be okay. And I believe him.
He pushes a strand of my hair behind my ears before kissing the corner of my mouth.
“What if I’m not pregnant?” I dare ask, not wanting to hear him say that we can’t continue if I’m not carrying his baby.
Not that I think he’d do it in a malevolent way but maybe because there’s truth to him only being this reassuring because he thinks it’s the right thing to do and not really what he wants.
That idea scares me. How will I know the difference?
“Hey.” He lowers me back down to the ground and lifts my chin up with the safe caress of his thumb and index fingers.
I let him hold my gaze for a moment. His deep brown eyes are like nothing I’ve ever seen before. The heat of them rolls through me like the calmest part of an ocean’s wave. It feels surreal to be in this moment with him. Like if he lets go of my chin and removes his body from mine, I will wake up from this distressing but coveted dream.
“If you’re not pregnant, nothing changes. I’m not leaving you. No matter what. Whatever we have to do, we’ll figure it out together, okay?” He runs his thumb along the line of my jaw.